2. Not Yet

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"What would you do if I died?"

That question asked by William was left unanswered. He was rendered speechless. It was so easy for him to ask that but when he was the one being asked, it was a pretty difficult question that his confidence actually shrunk and left him. He was sweating bullets and he felt something inside his stomach. Is this fear? 

When William didn't get an answer from him, he just shrugged it off and smiled as if wanting to make him at ease. "Don't worry, I won't die." He laughed it off. "Well, not yet."

Hearing the last sentence made Sherlock want to snap. The fear he felt before even grew more. He wanted to shout at him for what he said but he couldn't bring himself to do so. It was William after all. "Stop that," was all he could say.

"You were about to snap at me." William observed, chuckling. Sherlock sighed, he hugged him and rested his face on his neck. "You're scaring me." William tousled his hair. "Am I?" He nodded and hugged him tighter. "You're being a big baby again. What I said was the truth. I won't live forever. No one does. Not even you. We should accept that fact." He shook his head, declining to accept what William have said even though he knew he was right. The thought of losing William just scares him the most. He didn't want that— a life without him.

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