8. Sherly

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"Liam, just say it. Pretty please?" Sherlock pleaded for the nth time.

William sighed. This man is the perfect definition of the word 'persistent'. It's 12:45 in the midnight and he's been at it since God knows when. And what is he asking for from William that he's been bugging him nonstop? That is for William to call him 'Sherly'.

"Why do you want to hear it so bad?" William asked, tiredly.

"It's because... ah, I just want to..." Sherlock pouted. He looked hurt by William's question.

William face-palmed at the sight of a grown man pouting. Well, it's not that it's disgusting. He actually finds it cute, but no, he would definitely not say it or even show it.

"Look, I have a lot of things to finish. Will you please stop it already?" He told him in a soft voice. "Please?"

Sherlock looked like he has lost a huge sum of money and answered in a low voice' "Okay..." He looked like an abandoned puppy as he turned his back on William and slowly walked outside the room.

William chuckled. I guess it worked.

He opened his drawer when he finally made sure that Sherlock's not around. He looked at the black box he's holding and smiled. It's almost time.

He immediately went out and searched for Sherlock. He went to every room and eventually went outside when he saw that Sherlock's not in there. And finally, he found him sitting at one of the garden's bench.

William approached him slowly and when he's already behind him, he hugged him behind his back. Sherlock almost jumped out of fear. "Damn, you scared me!"

William laughed, "My bad."

"What was that for?" Sherlock asked before avoiding William's gaze. He looked mad at something.

"Nothing," he took the small box from his coat and presented it in front of Sherlock. "For you."

His eyes widened and became teary, "I thought you forgot..."

"How can I?" William giggled and hugged him tight.

"Happy birthday,  Sherly."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 14, 2021 ⏰

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