3. Ditto

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Everything was perfect— well, for them, it was. They're almost always together. They got to spend most of their time talking about random things that suddenly pops up inside their heads. They always go on night walks. And also, they sometimes play mind games— because Sherlock won't stop bugging him about it.

Of course, Sherlock acting like a baby is unfailing. He would suddenly throw a fit if William won't notice a single thing that have changed on him. Just like when he had his hair trimmed. He didn't talk to William for an hour for not noticing it. To stop his tantrum, William offered on tying his hair for him— which Sherlock delightedly accepted. William didn't mind those events because he knew that it was Sherlock's way of getting his attention. He was an attention whore, especially if it was William's attention involved.

"Stop doing that," he said while arranging his books.

Sherlock went to him, put his chin on his shoulder and wrapped his hands around him. "Stop what?"

Aside from Sherlock being a baby and a seeker of attention, he's also a needy one. He loved clinging onto William every time he had the chance of doing so.

"That," he held Sherlock's hands which were around him and took a glance on his face which was an inch afar from his. "You're making me look like a babysitter."

A look of awe crept onto Sherlock's face. He then laughed so hard that he even let go of his grip on William just to hold his stomach. "Then that makes me your baby." He said, catching his breath.

William crossed his arms and calmly said, "You are, indeed, my baby."

With that, Sherlock was rendered speechless. His face and ears were burning. His intestines were dancing like crazy. It's not new to him. He was always left speechless when it comes to William's words. This was William's effect on a Sherlock Holmes.

"You're always making this organ go wild." He pointed at the left side of his chest— where an organ about the size of a clenched fist was located.

William chuckled, "Ditto."

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