Heroes Judgement

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Timeskip Yoba academy Next day.

Saki was on the rooftop area where she is listening to music.

Ibuki:hey what are you doing?

Saki:I'm listening to music wanna hear it?

She gave the half earpiece on saki and she started listening.

Ibuki:wow you made this?


Until the bushes were moving saki and Ibuki saw it.

Ibuki:Saki the bush is moving.

Saki:stay here.

she walks through the bush and something jumps through her.

Murphy:Arf arf!

Saki: Murphy what are you doing here?

Ibuki: Murphy?

Saki:yeah he is actually our Police Dog so he can smell the scent of the criminals. Murphy what are you doing here in my school?

He suddenly licks at saki.

Saki:hey stop it!

Murphy:Arf arf!

Ibuki:he is a good dog.

Towa and Noa came.

Towa:hey guys we were looking for....

Murphy:Arf arf!

Murphy suddenly barks on Towa.

Towa:hey is that a Dog?

Murphy jumps on Towa and he licks her in the face.

Towa:hey this dog is licking me!

Saki: Murphy! Sit down!

He suddenly sits down.

Saki: don't do that ok?

Murphy:Arf arf.

Until Murphy pees on Towa's shoes.

Towa:hey don't pee on my shoe!

Saki: Don't worry it's just a coolant water when he pee because he is a robot.

Towa:oh I see.

Saki:I gotta better idea where I can hide him.

Photon Maiden hides Murphy K-9 inside the music studio where happy Around is practicing.

Saki:stay here Murphy ok we will be back.

She closes the door when Murphy is inside.

Murphy:Arf arf!

Timeskip Afternoon.

While Murphy is still in the Music Studio Photon Maiden came to get him.

Saki: Murphy Come on let's go.

Murphy:Arf arf!

Saki was heading to Dekabase with Murphy.

Timeskip Dekabase.

Saki Arrived at Dekabase with Murphy and she changed into her police outfit.

Tsubaki:Saki there you are oh Murphy I was looking for you!

Saki: actually she followed the scent of my smell in school the reason she found me.

Murphy:Arf arf!

Tsubaki:you know you always went everywhere when you follow someone.

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