Chapter Four: I Can Hear Them Singing

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I landed flat on my back on the hard, red dirt and groaned on the impact. I felt like I had just shattered every bone in my body, but it couldn't have been half that bad, seeing as I could stand.

I grunted as I heaved myself up and felt my hands begin to shake as I took in the scenary around me.

Dark trees with black trunks and even blacker leaves loomed to one side of me whilee a giant field of blood red and black roses swayed deviously on the other. I looked up at the sky above me and could not help but notice the black crows perched on strange wires that cracked with electricity and even spat out sparks every few seconds. The ground was blood-red, with half covered stones poking out in various places.

I bent down to pick one up and screamed, dropping it as if it were on fire; there weren't stones, they were bones.

"Scary, isn't it? Down here." I jumped and frowned when I saw him grinning at me, his tall frame leaning against one of the dark trees.

"You! Take me away from here, I-"

"I want to go home," He screwed up his face and imitated my voice. "Well, darling, that's too bad. Welcome to where the fucking sun don't shine as bright."

"But why me? Why am I here?" I screamed at him. I cringed as he walked closer to me, closer, closer, closer.

His hands made contact with my waist and I slapped them away from me, making him furrow his brow. "Don't fight me." His eyes turned from blue to navy and, as scared as I was, I turned to run away from him again.

I hadn't gone 3 feet until I collided with his chest, his hands grabbing hold of my shoulders to steady me. "Where're you going, love? We're only just getting started!" I gasped for air and turned again, this time going straight for the black forest, but I skidded to a halt as he spoke. "Not that way, you'll die in there. Even if you somehow manage to outrun the birds and the goblins and the spiders, the trolls will eat you by nightfall."

"What? Trolls?" I gaped at him.

"Yes, trolls. Trolls that would love to slowly roast your ass over an open fire. And you know what?" He moved in closer again, his signature smirk glued to his face, and leaned in close to my ear again, his coll breath tickling me. "They'd love you. Especially the way he's been starving them. I bet they'd probably tear your arms off your body first, maybe even make you eat your own fingers and toes. Make spoons out of your bones, use your hair as a net to catch fish. No. No, they'd rape you first. Tear off ever shred of clothing you have and tie you to a tree, let each on have a turn-"

"You're a monster," I muttered to him and blinked the tears out of my eyes. To me, at that moment, he was just as bad as any troll for the emotional abuse he loved putting me through.

"Nope, devil's son is more like it. Now if you still wanna run, your best bet is through the roses. Sure, the baseball sized misquitoes will probably suck you bone dry by morning, if the poison in the roses alone don't put you in a coma. But go. Run. See how far you get. Go!" His eyes turned a menacing black and I felt my legs start to move, dispite what my mind screamed at me. But it was no use.

I tried to scream but no words came out and he walked beside me, holding my hand as we made our way to the roses. My face was boiling red with panic and my mouth felt like ti was super glued shut, so the tears ran silently down my face. We hadn't been walking for 2 minutes when the smell started to get to me.

It smelled like pure sugar, and it made me sick. I was so dizzy by the time we even reached the damned field that I collasped on the spot, a thorn deep in my hand that hurt like Hell, but I was so sleepy and dizzy and just tired at that point that I couldn't have cared less. "You'll be alright, baby. I know you will." Luke laid down beside me and kissed the top of my head before pushing the hair out of my eyes. "Sleep."

And I did.


When I woke up, I was back home in my bed. "Mom!" I screamed. I quickly pulled open the drawer of the nightstand beside my bed and pulled my pills for anxiety, draw swallowing it as my mom burst through the door. Maybe I was just dreaming again. Maybe I dreamed the entire thing. Maybe he really wasn't real.

"What's wrong, honey? And why aren't you dressed?! The Hemmings' are gonna be here any minute!" I frowned.

"What?" Was all I managed to get out.

My mom put her hand on her hip and pursed her lips. "Did you forget? Our new neighbors, I told you last night that they'd be over for dinner today! Now hurry and do something with your hair, it looks like a bird's nest," she chuckled at me, wiping flour off her hands on to her apron.

She left me dumbfounded and feeling rather stupid, but mostly relieved. Maybe I was just too crazy for my own good. Did this confirm I was just having another nightmare? I decided to bet all my hope on it.

I yawned and slid into my bathroom, trying to ignore the throbbing pain I felt in my arm just as my mom called to me from down the stairs. "Ophelia! They Hemmings' are here!"

"Be right there!" I hollered back. I stood in the mirror and put on a little dab of foundation to cover up the permanent bags under my eyes and hissed as the pain in my hand worsened. I gasped when I saw it.

It was a thorn.


Hey guys. So basically in this chapter it was Ophelia running from Luke, she doesn't wanna think he's realcause of all these horrible mind games he keeps playing with her. Yes, Luke is behind her thinking she's dreaming, when she's really not. He keeps dragging her to hell basically, which will come out in later chapters why.

Sorry if you didn't like this chapter, I'm really sick right now, my head is killing me and I have a cold. Also, there will be lots of triggering things (in this chapter it was rape, sorry) if you can't take it, do yourself a favor, don't continue.

ALSO, picture on the side is Jack Falahee cause he'll be a characteer in this soon, idk what his name will be yet, but yeah, I wanna f u c k him so bad.

Video is Before The Lobotamy, Green Day, for which this chapter is named, "Dreaming, I was only dreaming, of another place and time, where my family's from" Go check the song out.

Sorry updates for all my stories will be slow from now on. I'm sorry.


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