part 9

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I got off of Mr. Lorenzo as fast I could, my cheeks flushed from the embarrassment. I looked at Lucas and then down at Mr. Lorenzo, he seemed pissed. He had his head rested on his fist.

"Yooo Max" He started chuckling. I crossed my arms, looking down. I felt so ashamed, embarrassed and uncomfortable that I wanted to cry. Mr. Lorenzo and Lucas must think I'm easy now.

Mr. Lorenzo noticed my discomfort. He got up and walked towards the door sizing up to Lucas.

"Leave" He grabbed Luca's collar and pushed him out and closed the door and locked it. He walked over to me and rubbed my shoulder, a tear slipped from my eye and I quickly wiped it away.

"Hey hey, it's okay" He wrapped his arms around my waist.

"I-I should go home" I backed away and grabbed my things.

"Night Isabelle" He coldly said.

"Night" I walked out and went to my car. Fucks sake Isabelle good job for making things 10x more complicated.


Ding Dong

I got up from my couch and walked over to the door. When I opened it I saw no one. I looked down to see a white letter addressed to me. I slowly opened the letter and observed every detail from it, it has cursive writting, it was messy cursive. I look at the paper and read it.

"Hello Isabelle Dubois, I know something you don't"

What the?

I look at the letter again and there's no return address. I left it on the counter and closed the door.

People are crazy nowadays.

I locked my door, walked back to my room, and swiftly fell onto my bed and passed out.


"Goodmorning, Bella" He said in his beautiful italian accent. Mr. Lorenzo leaned on my door frame. His suit fitting him perfectly, he's beautiful.

"It's Isabelle, not Bella" I rolled my eyes. I snapped my eyes at him realizing I just messed up. Oh shit.

"Bella means beautiful in Italian" He smirked, he looked down and back up at me. He closed the door and walked over to me, slowly. He put his hands on my desk and leaned into it.

"What did I say about rolling eyes" he growled.

"Not to do it" I took my hands away from my keyboard and started to fidget them under the desk.

"I don't want you do that again or I swear to god you'll suffer the consequences, understood" He said sternly.

"Yes sir" my face turned bright red.

"Good girl" He walked over to my side. He cupped my cheek, he leaned down and left the lightest kiss. I placed my fingers around the loops of his pants and pulled him closer. The kiss got more intense.

He yanked on my hair and pulled my head back, he started to leave kisses down my chin, jaw and neck.



He let go and sighed in frustration, "fanculo" he muttered under his breath.


"Answer the phone" He sounded angrily, "let's see who interrupted us" he clenched his jaw.

I answered the phone. "Hello?" I said looking at Maximo.

"Is this Isabelle Dubois?" A weird deep unrecognizable voice from the other line.

"Uh yes, how may I help you?" I said uncertain.

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