Part 25

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I woke up the next morning with the sun shinning through the window and Max still sleeping underneath me. He looked so peaceful and quiet. I looked over his bare chest and looked at his tattoos. He had them along his neck, arms and of course a bunch on his chest. I'm sure a lot of them have meanings. I got up making sure I wouldn't wake up Max. The pain quickly hit me between my legs and I almost collapsed onto the floor, jesus christ the agony. I tried my best to walk over to his drawer and pulled it open to find a bunch of sex toys. My eyes grew wide as I shut it, man I'm just trying to find some clothes. I opened the second drawer to find his clothes, finally. I slipped his comfy grey shorts and a white shirt, his clothes looked humongous on me. I quietly tip toed out of the room and into the kitchen to make him make him breakfast. I put on the band Arctic Monkies as I was making same eggs, bacon and pancakes.

"I thought I was making breakfast" I turned around to see a frowning Max.

"Well I didn't want to wake you up, I'm sorry" I frowned back. He made his way over to me.

"I'm just joking Bella" He placed a soft kiss against my lips.

"I know" I gave him a big smile. I turned around to keep cooking.

"Pay attention to me" He let out an annoyed grunt and wrapped his hands around my waist and started swaying to the music.

"I will if we talk about last night" I blushed from the memories of what happened last night.

"What about it?" He placed a kiss on my neck.

"You were so dominate. Like I was just surprised y'know, like you weren't like that the first time we had sex" I spoke fast nervously.

"I'm sadist mio amore. How didn't you figure that out when I was craving my name into you, and I love being dominate" He chuckled. "I was scared of you running away if you saw what I liked to do but after the knife, I knew you wouldn't" He kissed my shoulder.

"Oh" I smiled. I quickly finished cooking, even with Max annoying me the whole time. I plated Max and I's plates. I sat at the dining table and Max sat across me. We both started to eat.

"This is super good, my god" Max said with delight as he stared at me

"Thank you Max" I smiled at him back at him and continued to eat my food. I looked up at him a few moments later to find he's still staring at me with a smile on his face, his eyes looked soft and calm, not a glare or anything.

"Why are you staring at me like that?" I giggled taking a bite of my food.

"Because I love you" He just kept smiling at me. My heart dropped, I almost choked on my food.

"Would you excuse me for a second" I excused myself and wobbled my way back to his room. I grabbed my phone and went into the bathroom. My heart started thumping out of my chest and butterflies invaded my stomach. I jumped up and started doing my happy dance silently and I started texting Ash.

me: ASH

me: ASH

me: ASH

ash: it's 8 in the morning, let me sleep. you're waking up Lucas and I


ash: WHAT NO WAY?!


ash: what happened

me: he said i love you and i ran to the bathroom, did my happy dance and now texting you

ash: YOU LITERAL DUMBASS. you shouldn't be texting me right now. go back to him now

me: oh shit...

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 13, 2021 ⏰

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