Part 22

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"What the fuck is going on" Someone yelled. 

Max and I both pulled apart, he just stared into my eyes looking like he's about to kill someone. He turned around and now I can finally see who interrupted our little session, and surprise surprise it was Lucas.  Max quickly grabbed the gun that he tucked in the back of his pants and pointed it at Lucas. Lucas' shoots his hands up.

"What have I told you about knocking" He yelled.

"I did" Lucas terrified. 

I traced my hand from his shoulder down to his hand that's holding the gun, I lowered his hand. He turned around to face me, he did not seem impressed.

"Let's not to kill your friend" I held his arms.

"But he ruined our moment" He started to whine like a 5 year old. 

"No" I said firmly.


"Does Maxy have a sweet spot for Ms. Isabelle" Lucas cut him off and started to taunt Max. 

"Okay you know what" Max quickly turned around and pointed the gun at Lucas again, and Lucas ducked down to hide.

"Oh my god Max" I took the gun away from him. "You two are acting like little kids, grow up" My voice has held with annoyance.

"Lucas, come up now" I sighed, and he did.

"I've got to go now" Max grabbed the gun, tucked it away and made his way to the day. Damn he's stubborn. I followed behind him and pulled him back. I turned him around, his intense stare glued to my eyes.

"Let's have a good day please" I gave him a smile and fixed his collar and his messy hair, and then I placed my hands on his neck and traced my thumb along his jawline.

A few seconds later he finally responded, "Fine" He wrapped his arms around my waist and a smile curled onto his face. I leaned in and he kissed me back right away, his tongue quickly made it's way into my mouth and so did mine. His hands made it's way to my butt, grabbed it and squeezed it. I pulled away and Max tried to follow my head but I covered his mouth with my hand.

"I miss the way you kissed me like that" We turned around to see Lucas sitting at the counter pouting. I chuckled and looked back to Max who looked annoyed

"Get going" I smiled. I pulled my hand away.

"Fine" He kissed both of my cheeks and then gave me a peck.

"Bye bye" I let go of him and dusted off his suit.

"Bye Bella" He turned around and walked out.

"First of all ew" Lucas gagged and I turned around to look at him. I rolled my eyes at him. "Second of all, I haven't seen him this happy and possessive in years"

"Really?" I asked

"Yes, he's not an easy guy to get along with" He yawned.

"True true. Do you know how's Ash doing, I've been so busy with Max that I haven't spoken to her in forever" I walked over to the kitchen and started to eat my breakfast.

"She's good, super mad at you though" He chuckled.


Lucas walked towards the door and came in a very pissed off Ashton.

"Isabelle Dubois" She yelled while storming towards at me.

"I can explain" I started to panic.

"I took care of you for so long and then ghosted me for some guy" She crossed her arms, "You have a minute to explain yourself"

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