Part 23

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"Well Lucas told me how you wanted the dress and I wanted to make my girl happy" He's signature smirk plastered onto his face. "And also we're on a date" He took a sip of his water.

A date...?

A date with Lorenzo, the Lorenzo.

"Oh" I looked down at the menu to hide my blush.

"Bonjour, I'll be your waiter for tonight. My name is Alex, and what can I get for you" Alex whispered you once his eyes landed on me. His cheeks flushed and he smiled.

*Max's POV*

"Bonjour, I'll be your waiter for tonight. My name is alex, and what can I get for you" The waiter said while he looked over to my Bella. He cannot be serious right now, I'm right here. She's mine. The longer his eyes stayed on her the more I was filled with rage.

"How are you, ma cher" He smirked at her with his french accent.

"I'm doing well, thank you" She flashed her innocent smile. Why is she so naive?

"Would you like to order now" He asked her. I watched the whole interaction. I held onto the menu tightly. Her beautiful eyes started to scan the menu.

"Can I get a steak frites, please" She said while looking over the menu.

"Anything to drink?" He smiled at her.


"We'll have your best pinot noir and I would like to have a duck confit" I interrupted her. I slid my hand across the table and possessively held onto hers. I looked over to the waiter, giving him my menu and flashed him a smirk. He took our menus.

"Thank you, now leave" Max shooed him off. Alex scoffed and walked off.

Alex came back with the pinot noir and served us. I tested it out to see if it was to my liking. He poured mine and belle's cup. I glared at him once he walked off.

"Max, what was that about?" She asked her eyes snapped towards my direction. I let go of her hand and scooched to the middle of the booth.

I ignored her question and we started to talk about random things for the past 10 minutes. Everytime I made her laugh her head would fall back. I love her voice and her laughter. She makes me want to skip this dinner and make her my meal for tonight. Just her presences makes me hard, even when I think about her. She doesn't know the effect she has on me.

"C'mere" I man spreaded and patted my lap. She scooched towards me and quickly got onto my lap.

"Max, I know you don't like me repeating this but why were you mean to the waiter" She asked looking to the side, her breath got shaky as soon as my hand caressed her thigh and another one caressed waist. I looked her over again and I felt my dick get hard at the women who sat on top of me. I leaned closer to the side of her face.

"Feel that, bella" I kissed her earlobe and pulled away. Her cheeks turned bright red and she started to fiddle around with her fingers. I cupped the side of her face and made her look at me.

"Don't make too much noise" I whispered into her neck and started to lay soft kisses against her neck.

"Max-" She gasped as I started to get suck and nip her neck.

"Tell me to stop and I will" I said in between each kiss to her neck as my hand started to slowly slide up her thigh.

"But people will see us" She held onto my shoulders.

"It's too dark and I don't care what people will think, so tell me to stop and I will" I whispered into her neck and bit it. A gasp escaped her lips.

"D-don't stop" She whispered.

My hand reached her lady hood to feel no underwear, plus she's already wet. "Didn't wear anything for me, such a good girl" With my other hand I moved her face to look at me and I slammed my lips against hers. My thumb started to slowly massage her clit. A low moan came from his mouth as her body shook a little.

She started to struggle kidding me back as my thumb progressively faster. Her moans were quiet but good for me to hear. My erection started to throb, wanting to be in her. I grunted against her lips as she started to move against my bulge. Her grip on my shoulders got tighter. She moved her hips forward, her legs started to shake and she let her head fall backwards.

"Cum on my hand you whore" I started to kiss her neck. Her tensed body became relaxed as she came all over my hand. She laid her head on my shoulder, trying to catch her breath.

"Such a good girl" I kissed her forehead. I pulled my hands away from in between her thighs and started to lick the cum off my hand. I stroked her thigh. "You taste so good" I smiled.

"Th-thank you" She smiled, still dazed.

Alex, the waiter, came to the table, placing our food down. Isabelle looked up to see the food and she quickly scrambled back to her spot after realizing she was sitting on my lap, I chuckled. I looked over to Alex face and he looked pissed and disgusted, I flashed a fake smile and scooched back to my spot to eat my food.

"Enjoy your meal" He rolled his eyes and walked off. I looked at Belle while she's eating like it's her last meal and smiled.

*Isabelle's pov*

I looked up at Lorenzo to see him smirking.

"What?" I asked.

"Oh nothing, just watching you enjoy your food" He chuckled.

"What's funny about that" I swallowed the last piece of my meat.

"Cause you have ketchup on your face and you're eating like it's the oast meal you'll ever have" He grabbed a napkin and wiped off the ketchup from my cheek.

"I just haven't eaten since the morning" I smiled a bit at his kind gesture. His eyes lit up.

Soon enough we were finished eating. I offered to pay the bill but Max declined. We walked out of the restaurant with him holding my hands. when got to his white Porsche 911 he opened the door for me and helped me in and then got into the driver's seat. I clicked my seatbelts on. This car is breathtaking. He placed one palm on the stirring wheel and the other onto my thigh. He started to stroke my thigh up and down, and everytime his hand went down he got closer to my womanhood. I closed my legs to stop my body from betraying me, my womanhood got wetter at the thoughts of him. Max chuckled.

He stopped infront of the hotel. I was getting out of the car until I felt his wrap around my neck and pulled me back into his chest.

"I can't wait to rip that dress of you and make you scream my name. I'm going to fuck you till you can't even walk anymore" He kissed my earlobe.

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