part 2

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My alarm woke me up around 8 and when it did I fell off the couch cause it scared me to death. I closed my eyes just to remember IT'S INTERVIEW DAY, I CAN'T MESS THIS UP, IM FREAKING OUT, AHHHH.

I took some breaths to calm myself down. I got up and walked into the bathroom to do my business and brushed my teeth. I took a quick shower and washed my hair. I got out dryed my hair with a blow dryer and curled my long brown hair. I wrapped a towel around my body and walked into my room.

I should dress classy since I'm going for an interview at the world's most successful company.

I threw on a white blouse and a black pencil skirt to tuck my blouse in. I got on my black heels and walked into the kitchen. It's 9:30 right now and it'll take me 10 minutes to drive there. I made myself some toast, and got into my car, I drove while eating. When I got there it was 9:45.

I got out and walked into the building and up the receptionist. She's super pretty but a little bit caked up, brunette, almost had her breast spewing out of her shirt.

"Hello, I'm here for the PA interview, where could I find it?" I smiled showing my dimples. She looked at me with such hatred, girlll I haven't done anything yet.

"60th floor" She spat at me.

"Thank you" I kept smiling at her.

I walked over to the elevator, I got in and pressed the 60th button. We're going highhhhhh up.


A few minutes later I got onto the 60th floor and walked over to the receptionist. A sweet lady who looked like to be late 50s, grey hair, a vibrant smile.

"Hello, I am here for the PA interview" I smiled and looked at her.

"Ahh yes yes yes Ms. Dubois, I will inform Mr. Lorenzo and for the time being you can sit and wait" She sent me a sweet smile.

"Okay thank you" I walked away from her desk to sit next to the girls that were here waiting. They all looked the same, boobs begging to get out of their shirts and filled with makeup, they do look beautiful but 100% fake. I sat next to one and she moved a seat over, did I smell bad? I quickly checked by sniffing my armpits but I smelt nice so I don't understand what the problem is. I looked over to see all the other girls throwing me weird looks.

A girl came out of Lorenzo's office bawling her eyes out.

Um okay.

"He's ready to see you darling" The receptionist smiled at me, I nodded. I got up and walked into his office. It's huge black room with black furniture, a couch on the side. A window covered the entire wall and you could see the entire city of New York.

"When you're done looking around close the door and sit" A man demanded at his desk. I closed the door and made my to the chair infront of his desk. This man is, wow. His chiseled jawline, his hair well kept, tattoos on his hands and some peaking out of his collar shirt on his neck. His piercing bluish green eyes staring right at me.

"Isabelle Dubois"

My heart fluttered and my cheeks flushed when he said my name.

"Ms. Isabelle Dubois!" He sternly said, you can hear a little bit of the Italian accent. I snapped out of my trance. His cold brown eyes glaring at me. He's the got from yesterday, uh oh.

"Sorry Mr. Lorenzo" I mentally face palmed myself.

"If you want to work for me you cannot be distracted" He spat out, I nodded listening, "You understand?"

"Yes, I do" I smiled at him to make it known that his presence doesn't intimidate me.

"Good" He looked through my papers.

"Aren't you the girl who closed the door on her leg yesterday?" He asked.

"Yes" I shyly say. He nodded and hit me with his hard glare.

"What makes you think you can have this job?" He asked completely changing the subject

"I'm intelligent, hard worker and I am always on time" I said confidently.

"Weakness?" He sat back in his chair staring right at me.

"I can get distracted" A light shade of pink crawled it's way onto my cheeks, my hands started fidgeting together. He nodded.

"Well, since I don't want those bimbos working for me you have the job, you started tomorrow at 9am, sharp" He said coldly, "you can refer to me sir only" He stood up and extended his hand.

"Yes sir" I got up and shook his hand. Electricity shocked my hands, I tensed up and pulled away. His hands were so warm.

"See you tomorrow" I smiled, he sat back down going back to his laptop ignoring me. Wow okay, new boss is an asshole.

I turned onto my heel and walked off. I walked by the old lady.

"See you later Ms. Dubois"  She said softly glancing me a smile.

"Bye" I smiled.

I got into the elevator, I pressed the lobby button.


I walked by the lady at the front desk and she shot me a death glare. These people are weird, except the old lady, she's sweet.

I got into my car and called Ashton, I started to drive off.

She answered, "Hey girly, how was it?" She asked me.

"Sadly I didn't get the job" I said with a sad voice.

"Well you don't need them anyways, there's more jobs out there" She said trying to reassuring me.

"I'm messing around, I got the job!" I said happily.

"I'm so happy for you! When do you start?" She asked me.

"Tomorrow at 9am, sharp" I mimicked the way Maximo said it.

"Ouuuu funnnn, you're going to fall for that piece of hunk" She said flirtatiously.

"Dude he's my boss" we both started laughing. I got to the apartment building and parked my car in the parking lot.

"Ash I have to let you go, I'm at the apartment and I want to get myself mentally prepared for tomorrow" I said taking my phone in my hand.

"Byeee Isa, love you"

"Byeee Ash, love you too" I hung up the phone.

I got out, locking my door and heading inside.


I'm in my bed nervous about tomorrow. What if my new boss hates me? What if I mess up in the first day? I can't mess up, I really need this job, I frowned.

I turned on my phone and went on youtube. I turned on a talk me to sleep meditation and did some breathing.

You've got this Isabelle

I closed my eyes and let the darkness consume my body.

Tomorrow will be an interesting day.

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