Oh no Jay ...

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Jay Sahkain x Ian Kanja

That was what greeted him when he woke up.
But what was it that woke him up?

It wasn't like there were any noises that could do so and the soft waves that rocked him - and all the others - to sleep had stopped.
The ship didn't move anymore at all.

Jay sat up slowly, trying not to move too fast; he was still in a hammock after all, he could easily fall out if he moved too quickly and he didn't want to land on Matthew or Lydia, who were sleeping below him.
»Ian? « He whispered quietly and squinted, trying to spot the other one sleeping. He knew he wasn't far away but his eyes weren't used to the darkness just yet. Everything seemed greyish, as if someone took the color away.
When he fell asleep he never thought it would get that dark down there, but the wooden planks blocked out all of the light from the outside. It felt as if you were locked away from reality, from the world itself.
»Sora? « He tried to look down, trying to spot his sister, but he couldn't do so either. There was no way he would try to wake up anybody else than these two.
Not Matthew, not Lydia and not Jack either.

Why was he even trying to wake them up?
It wasn't like anything suspicious had happened. Maybe that was just what the sea at night was usually like, quiet as if someone muted everything ... Maybe that was what it was like when there were no waves and no creatures were trying to lure you into the cold, deep water.
He shuddered, thinking about the full moon they were out, locking themselves downstairs to make sure the sirens didn't get to any of them. Sometimes he wondered if it was weird for Ian, locking himself away from people that were technically like him. He wondered what that made him feel like, hiding from them, pretending to be not one of them and making sure they do not see you ...
Jay's eyes moved over to the hammock a meter away from him - his eyes finally adjusted to the darkness of his surroundings - and he could spot Ian's sleeping figure.
Everything had to be alright, if something was out there he would be alert. He had been during the full moon, pacing around like a madman, jumping up at every single noise and making sure all of them were down so no one could get to them.

He would be alert ...
Jay leaned back again slowly, figuring that he could sleep in peace if Ian was still asleep as well as everybody else, but then he heard a sharp, loud noise.
It sounded like nails on chalkboards and glass breaking.
There went his idea of going back to sleep again. He was sitting up straight in his hammock, chills running down his spine and his eyes were wide open.
What the hell was that?
He glanced around, no one else had heard it, otherwise they wouldn't be asleep anymore. Surely not. It was loud.
But if they didn't hear it what could it possibly be?

His heart was beating in his chest, he could feel it, and the blood rushing through his ears like the ocean during a storm.
What the hell was that?!
There it was again, followed by a loud bang that seemed to come directly from the outside of the ship.
His grip tightened in the fabric and he glanced around, expecting to see something unfamiliar, but there was nothing.
»Ian! « He whispered again and leaned over as good as possible, trying to shake the siren awake, only getting a tired groan in response. »Ian! « He whispered through gritted teeth. Great, why does he have to be such a heavy sleeper? And it wasn't like he could move closer to shake him awake entirely, he would risk falling down on either Matthew or Lydia and he still didn't want that.
»Sora! « He looked down between his and Ian's hammock, spotting his sister sleeping just as peacefully as everyone else. »Sora wake up! « Again nothing.
He didn't like the idea of going up all by himself, but he didn't want to wake anybody else either. He didn't want to appear like he was frightened, even though he felt quite uncomfortable.

Fine, if you are letting me down I'll go and check myself!
Slowly and carefully he climbed down, making sure to not make any sound once he got down to the ground, jumping down the last few inches.
Then he stopped, looking back at everybody else. No one moved, no one said anything. They were still asleep.
He slipped back into his shoes and moved forward slowly, taking his sword. The silver blade was even visible in the darkness. Or he just got used to the darkness. He really couldn't tell and right now he couldn't care less either.

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