AU - corrupted

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Jay Sahkain x Ian Kanja - but is it really?

Every single step he took sounded like it would give away his location. He could hear them echo through the hallway, unable to tell when it stopped after it got more and more quiet the further it was away from the cause of the noise.
Was the hallway ever going to end?

Every single heartbeat felt like it would wake someone - something up. Something whose slumber he didn't want to disturb.

Something that could easily catch up the distance they had going on between them and could do-- whatever this thing could or wanted to do to him.

Something that was woken up by the drums that didn't seem to end, that followed him wherever he went; buried deep inside his chest.

Every single breath he took seemed to be the one that caught somethings attention. Something that was walking past him, unable to see him or to be seen by him.
The veil of darkness that was keeping him safe would rip apart and would reveal him, vulnerable to the ones that passed by without noticing it.

Oh how Jay hoped he could be able to turn all those things off right now; his own heartbeat, his breathing and the sound he made while he walked through the hallway.
He felt vulnerable, trapped.

Every few seconds he turned his head around and checked if something or someone was coming up behind him, sneaking up without making any sound, unlike him, on the cold marble floor.
He figured it was marble from the sound. They had a lot of those floors in his castle, but in the end he was only guessing. It wasn't like he could see far.

Everything around him was covered in darkness. Darkness that seemed to swallow every light and every sound - except for the ones that he made.
Ever since he left the dark room he woke up in he didn't hear anything.
There was nothing else but silence, accompanied by his own beating heart, his steps and his heavy breath.

No, he had absolutely no idea how he got there. Everything was foggy and he only knew that he woke up in a giant bed and a room that was just as dark as the hallway, except for a small floating bubble right next to the bed, which casted a blue light into the room.
He was actually quite thankful for that, because it helped him locate his sword at the end of the room.
There was no way he would leave this place without a weapon, ready to defend himself.

He didn't know where he was or how he got there, but his guts told him that he had to leave as fast as possible. Something told him that he shouldn't wait for the people that brought him here to come back to him.

So he left as fast as possible. Without the light. He didn't want to catch anyone's attention.

Now he cursed at himself for not taking it with him - even though he wasn't even sure if he was able to take a bubble with him ... He never saw a light source that was a bubble before - because he felt like he didn't know where he was going anymore.

Maybe he was walking in circles for the past ... half an hour? An hour? Ten minutes?
Wonderful ... He stopped himself from sighing, not wanting to catch anyone's attention. I don't even know for how long I have been here ...

He mouthed a voiceless 'fuck' before he adjusted the grip on his sword, the silver blade being the only thing that gave him some feeling of safety right here, and continued to walk through the place, really hoping that he wasn't walking in circles.

He wasn't.

That was something the prince discovered when he heard how his blade hit something else, the noise being dull and quiet.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 28, 2021 ⏰

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