Gods can't die

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Onyx x Jack

They told me gods can't die,
That's what they said when they heard of my words.
Watching me with pity in their eyes,
As if it is I who has lost his mind.

They told me gods can't die,
They told me as they laughed,
Unable to believe even a word of what I said,
Stroking my head and telling me to move on
From what has been done.

They told me gods can't die,
Because how can something like this die?
It simply can't even exist.
Nothing ceases to exist,
If it has never been there in the first place.

They told me gods can't die,
But now I beg to differ.
The blood on my hands that day,
Seemed to tell a different story.

They told me gods can't die,
I've simply been imagining things,
Due to what I have seen,
What has been done to me.

They told me gods can't die,
And while I wish I could believe them -
I know the difference.
I've seen them.

I believed that gods can't die,
Watching you next to me,
Burning like a million stars.
But, stars are meant to die as well,
That's the whole reason they're burning after all.

I believed gods can't die,
It was everything I have ever been told,
But it seems that they have lied to me,
Now that I see you right in front of me.

You told me that gods can't die.
Well if that's so
Then tell me, my love
Why did you leave me so long ago?

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