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Jay Sahkain x Ian Kanja

Jack's eyes roamed the two boys quietly and closed them for a brief second, lowering his head before he looked back at them and spoke: »And ... May I ask how this happened?«

»Matthew's fault.« He glanced over at Jay who growled the answer. It was strange seeing "Ian" with such a cold stare. Something about it just didn't seem right, which wasn't really a surprise. After all that wasn't Ian in his body, it was Jay.
»Is not!« The younger boy defended himself, »I told you to not interrupt me.« He leaned against the wall, dropping his crossed arms while he looked at Jay.
»Oh so it's my fault?«
No one had to actually look at him to know what he looked like right now.
Eyebrows raised, lips pressed together. All of them had seen this expression on the princes' face at least one.

Jack could only shake his head while he sighed. Sometimes he wondered just how spoiled Jay was, if he wasn't used to people disagreeing with him, but before he could say a word Ian stepped in, turning his head to look at the other boy - in his body - while he put his hand on his arm, shaking his head.
Jay turned his head to look at the other boy and looked at him quietly for a moment, only to turn back around to the adult, arms crossed. »Your student messed up. I demand you to fix it.«

It was absurd, watching someone who looked like Ian act like Jay. Everything about I was wrong. The cold gaze, the distant yet clear voice.
He knew Ian, he knew him incredibly well.
He raised him ever since he found him when he was 9, after his mother disowned and kicked him out.
He took him in and raised him.
Ian talked. Ian talked a lot. He was never quiet, he never sat somewhere and was just quiet.
Jay however did exactly those things.
He was quiet, he watched you, expecting you to do a certain thing without asking for it or without saying a word.

He shook his head and looked away from the teenagers, »I will. It's just ... Wrong.« He took the book from the table that Matthew put down before the disaster happened and looked at his student. »Will you help me figure out what exactly went wrong?«
Matthew's eyes light up and he nodded, following his teacher. He would do a lot to escape Jay when he was pissed off.
No one liked him when he was pissed off.
Actually barely anyone actually did like him in general. The only two people that spend time with him were Sora and Ian, however one of them was his sister so she might just feel like she had to.
Ian, on the other hand, didn't have to spend time with him. He could follow Jack and Matthew or leave the cottage, but he didn't move away. He stayed in his seat, next to Jay.
»Sooo ...,« he leaned back in his chair, crossing his arms, »What're we gonna do now?« He tilted his head to the side lightly, eyes roaming the other one.
»We wait.« That was an answer that caused him to raise one of his eyebrows in surprise.
»We will wait. I know, waiting is hard for you, but it's a part of life.«
»Ew.« He grimaced which caused Jay to look at him again, shaking his head. »Don't do that. It's still my face.«
»Well, stood frowning then, you're giving me frown lines!«
»We both know you can't get them. I can frown as much as I want to.«
»Still!« He crossed his arms again and glanced at the ceiling, tilting his head upwards a little. »And I don't like seeing you unhappy.«
»What?« The surprise was audible and, from the corner of his - no, Jay's - eyes, he could see that Jay turned around on the chair, looking at him again.
»I don't like seeing you sad, or unhappy, or uncomfortable, disappointed, « Ian turned around as well, facing him now, »you get the memo.« He shrugged lightly once he saw the surprise on Jay's face. »Why are you so surprised about it?«

Now Jay was the one that shrugged, one hand rubbing over the back of his neck. »Don't know ...,« he muttered, »just didn't think I'd hear that ...« He did his best to not have to look into Ians eyes, moving his head around lightly.
That was why he didn't notice the slight changes in Ian's expression. The, in confusion furrowed brows, found their way back up, and he blinked slowly.
»Jay—« He didn't in what he wanted to say, so he shut his mouth again.
By now said boy decided that the ground was the best possible place to look at right now, not wanting to catch his lover's gaze. He could feel it, but that was more than enough. He didn't need to look him in the face.
The prince wasn't even sure what it was that he was afraid of, but he didn't want to find it out either.

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