They deserve some fluff okay

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Jay Sahkain x Ian Kanja

»Are you ever gonna tell me where we're going? « He asked, walking through the woods with his eyes closed, the only thing that was telling him where to go was the hand that he was holding, which belonged to the person leading him into the woods.
»Jay, I always thought you knew what the word "surprise" means. « The prince smiled at the tone in the siren's voice. »Don't sass me. « He heard the other one chuckle and continued to smile, until a twig hit him in the face. »Ow ... « He muttered and held his other, free, hand up to shield his face from more twigs - or even branches, he didn't know if there were any near him, but he didn't want to find out either - while he complained: »If you just brought me out here to watch while I get hit in the face by trees I'll go back and you'll sleep in your room for a week. «
»Yeah, because you surely wouldn't let me back in yours after a day because you feel lonely. «
Jay opened his mouth in surprise, wanting to answer, but nothing left his lips. He knew Ian was right, it wasn't like he could say anything in his own defense. Not that he really felt like he head to defend himself, he knew Ian was joking and so was he when he stated he would sleep somewhere else.
»Rude. «
»Idiot. «
He still felt himself smile but he didn't stop complaining. »Can you at least tell me where we are going? «
»It's a surprise. «
Jay stopped, raising his free hand and letting it fall down again, without opening his eyes. »Wow, that's so helpful. «
He heard him chuckle again before he was pulled away again. »You're not gonna kill me, are you? « The prince asked, jokingly, while he followed, his hand shielding his face again.
»Of course not! « Ian sounded offended, »I'll bring you to people who can sacrifice you. Then I'll take over your kingdom. «
Jay nodded, understanding, »that's exactly what I thought. You're too much of a coward to do it yourself. « He grinned, knowing that, when Ian stopped right now, he looked at him. »Asshole. « Instead of saying something in return Jay just continued to grin at him.
»Oh no, what will I do? I can't possibly escape. « He started then, putting up his free hand against his forehead, »All the stress ... The unknowing place I will be brought to! I think I'll pass out- « He trusted Ian enough to just let himself fall, convinced that he would catch him. He always did, this time as well. He heard a quiet "Fuck Jay" and then he felt his arms around his, which caused him to raise his head and grinning at him again; his eyes were still closed.
»Oh, so when you do that it's just fine, but when I do it it's "Ian don't be so dramatic!" and "Ian, I can't possibly catch you every single time"? «
»Well, we can't both be drama queens. «
»Oh shut up. «
»Make me- « He felt his lips against his own before he could even finish the sentence and he leaned up lightly, wanting to savour the kiss, but then Ian pulled away again and Jay whined.
»You can have more if you stand up again and follow me. «
»Will you at least tell me for how much longer I gotta run around blindly? «
»No. «


»Open them. «
»It'll better be worth the wait- « He stopped and his lips parted in surprise.
The place was beautiful.
The sky was hidden behind the foliage of the trees, soft pink and green leaves letting nothing else in than the sunlight.
There was a small pond in the middle of the glade, the pond being the ending of a small waterfall that was running down the stones. The water droplets causing a small rainbow off to one of the sides, over the grass around it.
He felt Ian watching him, waiting for his reaction, which he got immediately. »I love it. « He turned his head around, smiling at him, still surprised.
»Where has this been all the time? « They didn't walk that far away from the castle, only around ten to twelve minutes, but he had never seen this place before.
»Discovered when I chased Shera around and she ran into this place. «
»She ran away? «
»No, of course not. « Ian felt Jay glare at him and just smiled at him apologetically. It wasn't like Shera was gone. He found her here and brought her back, right after exploring this place and imagining how he could show it to Jay. The leopard was just fine.
»Sure. « Jay just raised his eyebrows and shook his head lightly, unable to shake the smile off his face.

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