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Alice POV:
My eyes opened slowly my vision was little blurry as I saw the outline of a person. "About time you woke up," the woman said chuckling as my vision started to turn back to normal. "The name is Abigail," the woman said smirking. I sat up slowly holding the back of my head looking at the girl. "Is it just you here?" I said looking around the place which looked to be well maintained. "I have more people here, but why should I let you near them?" she asked tilting her head. "Listen I don't have time for all of this, so if you could give me my stuff I'll be on my way," I said sternly. "Really you don't have time for old friends?" a familiar voice said as I turned to see Leon standing in the doorway. I smirked seeing  him as he walked over to us chuckling a bit. "I'm surprised you are here. I figured you'd still be in Russia," he said jokingly. "Leon what happened to Claire and the others?" I asked standing up causing him to sigh "I'm sorry,but we lost Becky. It shouldn't of happened one of those flying bastards just scooped her away from us," he said looking down at the ground. I sighed holding back tears as I nodded along listening to him. "What about Rain and Claire then?" I asked scared of what the answer would be. "Both of them are still here,but they don't know Abigail brought you in," he said nodding. "Alice before I let you see them tell me what you're doing back in Raccoon City?" he asked with a stern expression. "Umbrella made a airborne anti-virus that is kept in the hive,and if I can release it this will all be over," I said causing his eyes to widen a bit. "Holy shit," he said looking at Abigail who smirked at my reasoning. "Go find Claire and Rain they should be around," he said flagging me away.

Claire POV:
Part of me wondered what Leon was doing after he said he had business to handle,but I had more important shit to worry about. "Alright everyone come on pick up the speed," I said as the small group of survivors we had were repairing the fence we had around this building. We had been held up in a old restaurant building just right outside of Raccoon City. The walls were sturdy enough,and we had plenty of people we needed to help out. "Claire," I heard a familiar voice I hadn't heard in what felt like decades say. Slowly the memories of abandonment and loneliness crept in as I turned to see the woman I once loved standing there. "Alice," I said softly as she ran up to me going for a hug,but I stuck my hand out stopping her. "Claire listen I'm sorry,but please come on," she said softly as anger built up in me. Instinct took over as I smacked Alice hard enough to knock her down to one knee. "Screw you," I said storming off to Leon knowing he let her in here. How could I forgive her after she abandoned us? She just left me and her little girl without even once looking back. "Leon what the fuck!" I yelled as I walked over to him clearly pissed. "Claire I'm going to guess you ran into our visitor," he suggested as I held back the urge to hit him. "I want her out of here," I said sternly not wanting to see that woman ever again. "Listen Claire she said she knows about a airborne cure that will end all of this,and damn it we have to trust her. I'm sick of living in a world where we have to scavenge everyday just to barely get by," he said with a sigh shortly after. "You don't fucking get it do you? If she never would've left us Becky would still be alive today," I said never forgetting hearing that girl scream as she was carried off. "Claire personal shit aside we need to take this chance to end this apocalypse," Abigail spoke up. "You all can help her all you want,but I'm not," I said walking off from the two.

Rain POV:
I wiped the sweat off my forehead as I finished hammering down a piece of wood to the fence. "Fuck,gotta love hard work," I said sarcastically as I panted a bit. Turning around I saw her standing there it was like seeing a ghost. "Alice?" I asked her in disbelief she was actually standing right in front of me. "I'm back," she said smirking a bit as she had a bright red handprint on her face. I lunged forward hugging her tightly knowing she was as happy to see me as I was her. "I'm sorry I couldn't protect her," I said a tear rushing down my face. "You did all you could," she responded as we broke the hug after a minute or more. "It looks like you ran into Claire," I said chuckling looking at the handprint on her face. "Yeah,but I guess I deserve it for what I did to you guys," she said as I shook my head. "You did what had to be done it wasn't your fault," I said knowing if she never left Umbrella would've killed all of us. "Tell me what brings you to Raccoon City?" I asked smirking just happy to see her. "A airborne cure that Umbrella made. It's located in the hive,and if I release it this will be over," she said causing me to shake my head. "If you are here to ask for help I can't. I'm not going back into the hive after what happened last time," I said remembering how I died down there. "Don't worry I wouldn't put you guys at risk for this," she said softly looking around. "Hey I'll try and get Claire to come around to ya," I said as she nodded a bit. "Thanks," she said saluting me a bit as she walked off into the building again.

Alice POV:
I walked inside over to Leon and Abigail who were chatting probably about what I told them. "Did you all pick anything up off me or can I go now?" I asked smirking a bit. "Don't rush off so soon we are going to help you out," he said as I shook my head. "It's too dangerous for you all," I said knowing the horrors of the hive. "It's not negotiable," Abigail said stepping forward with a smirk. "Fine we leave tonight,but you follow my orders," I said sighing as I walked off from the two. Suddenly I stopped seeing Rain was having a conversation well actually it looked more like a argument with Claire. I honestly couldn't blame her for holding a hatred towards me,but if I hadn't left Umbrella would've killed them all. "Tell me why she hates you," Abigail said walking up beside me looking at Claire. "I left them to protect them from Umbrella,but she thinks I abandoned them. I can't blame her though I'd hate me as well," I said causing her to shrug a bit. "You know my dad always used to say forgive and forget,but he was a idiot mechanic for a living. Guess I can't complain he taught me lots of useful skills," she said causing me to smirk a bit. "You might wanna hit the road," I said to her as we both watched Claire storming over. "Good idea," she said walking outside as Claire walked past her. "Follow me," Claire said as I shrugged following her to what I'm assuming was a janitor's closet. "Bit small," I said looking around the tiny room as she put her hand in her coat pocket pulling out a small bag. "You know I always carried this around waiting for the day you came back,so just open it," she said handing me the bag. I poured out what was in the bag to be shocked seeing what looked like a wedding ring. "Don't worry the offer is off the table," she said with hatred for me in her voice. "Claire I'm sorry for what I did,but if I stuck around Umbrella would've killed you all," I said as she shook her head sighing. She looked down as she walked towards me as I backed up until I hit the wall behind us. "If you are going to hit me just do it," I said closing my eyes waiting for the punch or slap. "I'm not going to hit you. Alice just know I'll never forget Becky's screams as that monster ripped her in apart," she said causing a tear to rush down her face. "Claire when I release this anti-virus it eliminates anything that has the t-virus in it,so don't worry it'll kill me," I said as she shook her head a bit. "I don't want you dead Alice. I still love you,but I'll never forgive you or myself for what happened to that little girl," she said turning away walking out of the closet. I sat down on the floor knowing Claire was right about me being responsible for Becky's death.

—The End—

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