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Claire POV:
I painted heavily falling to the ground as blood poured from my mouth. "It seems your friends have finally found the path they needed," Wesker said chuckling as he shook the blood of his glove. I groaned out in pain as he grabbed my by the hair picking me up. "Let's surprise them," he said tossing me into his chair. "Fuck you," I said laughing a bit before splitting blood onto the ground. "Shut up," he said before back handing me as he grabbed some duct tape. "Cant have you spoiling the surprise," he said before duct taping my mouth shut and then taping my arms down to the chair. It begin getting harder to breath as blood rushed in my mouth. "Be a good girl now," he said turning on a screen showing the others crawling in the vents right toward us. "I see they made quick works of the Isaac clone," Dr Isaacs said sitting in the corner with a glass of whiskey. "Of course it's a old man versus some youth," Wekser said shaking his head as they became audible they had gotten so close. "I hope you said goodbye to your friends cause they'll all die down here," he said smirking turning me away from the vent. "It'll be a real shame when they kill you," Wesker said walking off into a dark area that couldn't be seen.

Alice POV:
"Alright now we only have one shot at this,so don't fuck anything up," I said sternly before peeking into the library. "What do you see?" Leon asked in the very back. "A single desk and chair with a fireplace that's about all," I said slowly crawling in the room. Leaping down as silently as possible I aimed the gun at the chair knowing Wesker was sitting there. "We need him alive," Rain whispered at me as I snuck up silently. Slowly I grabbed the back of the chair turning it quickly only to see Clair tied down. She yelled out muffled by the tape before I even noticed Wesker was behind me with a gun to my head. "I'd advise everyone to drop their guns," he said smirking as Leon and Rain dropped their weapons. "I was hoping you'd just shoot me in that chair before looking," he said pushing me away. "You see for the longest time I've wanted revenge for what all you've taken from me. We should've wiped out the entire population years ago,but you've slowed us down a lot," he said emptying the gun before dropping it. "I'll fight you one at a time,and if you break the agreement Isaacs back there will kill Claire," he said nodding towards Isaacs who emerged from the shadows holding a gun to Claire's head. "I'll go first," I said stepping forward as he chuckled shaking his head. "Sorry I'll start with the weaker two then build my way up,so Rain front and center," he said as Rain stepped forward. I couldn't even form words knowing it was either Rain and Leon die or Claire dies. No way could either of them beat Wesker. I stepped back looking at Claire the entire time hoping I could defeat Wesker.

Rain POV:
I said I'd die here again or overcome it all,but it looks like death didn't want to wait. "Please you strike first," Wesker said as I swiftly went for a right hook which he caught before smirking. "Pathetic as always," he said head-butting me before kicking me back into the desk. I shook my head snapping back into it going for another swift series of punches which he easily dodged. "Shame you'll die here again," he said with a cocky tone before throwing a round house kick which I successfully ducked. While ducking down I went to kick his leg out from under him,but he jumped over it. "Too slow," he said before jumping on the back of my leg causing a loud crack. "Fuck!" I yelled out crumbling to the ground seeing blood begin to rush out from my leg. "One down," he said smirking before kicking me in the gut launching me next to eh fireplace. My vision went blurry as I heard him grabbing a fire iron from next to the fireplace. "Shame you had to die so soon," he said before stabbing the fire iron down into my hand sticking it to the floor. I winced in pain gritting my teeth knowing it was all over for me. "Alice I'm sorry," I said softly looking over at her as I panted a bit. Alice shook her head "You won't die," she said before taking the knife out of her pocket and tossing it at Isaacs. I heard the gun fire off not being able to turn to see it I assumed she hit the target,but he shot Claire as well. Slowly my vision got more blurry as I passed out next to the fireplace.

Claire POV:
I closed my eyes when Alice threw the knife as Isaacs expecting to be shot,but I opened my eyes to see the desk in front of me was shot. "Isaacs!" Wesker yelled out before running over to Alice going to punch her which she dodged. "Leon go untie Claire!" she yelled as Leon ran over to me ripping the tape off my mouth. "Fuck!" I yelled out as blood poured out of my mouth covering my lap. "Go help Alice!" I yelled at Leon who quickly ran over to Wesker hitting him with a Superman punch knocking him back. Gritting my teeth I pulled my arms out from the tape which I'll admit wasn't on very tight. I stood up grabbing the gun Isaacs dropped before aiming it at the fight. "I can't get a shot!" I yelled out causing them to stop fighting looking over at me. "Gotcha," I said smirking as I fired at Wesker hitting him in the forehead. "Quick we need to pin him down," Leon suggested before I tossed Alice the knife she had tossed earlier. Without any hesitation she stabbed the knife in Wesker's hand pinning it to the ground. I walked over to Rain sighing a bit "Sorry," I said before ripping the fire iron out of her hand causing her to wake up yelling out in pain. "I said sorry," I said handing it over to Alice who smirked knowing exactly what to do."

Alice POV:
Claire knelt down next to Rain checking on her as I took the fire iron. Grunting I jammed the iron down through Wesker's left leg sticking it to the ground. "Where is the anti-virus?" I asked kneeling down in front of Wesker who was still smirking. "Even if you did find it you don't know how to spread it," he said chuckling. "Wrong answer," I said shaking my head before Leon stomped on the back of his head. He yelled out in pain looking back up with shattered glasses and a busted nose. "Alright it's in the safe Claire knows where," he said shaking his head. "Project Alice when you obtain the anti-virus I will tell you how to spread it," the Red Queen said appearing on a screen. Claire walked over to the desk pressing a small button that opened a wall safe. "Combination Wesker," I said looking back at him laying on the ground. "It will only open using my finger prints," he said causing me to smirk. "Simple solution," I said walking over to Leon who smirked taking out his knife. We both knelt down grabbing his free hand holding out his index finger. "Man I love my job," Leon said chuckling as he quickly cut the finger off causing Wesker to yell in pain. "Remember everyone you killed felt way more pain then you are," Leon said giving me the finger. "Let's end this," I said walking over to the safe opening it. "Alright Project Alice now you'll have to take the anti-virus to the laboratory. Once you get there you'll find a small red capsule labeled as "end" grab it. Next you'll bring it back up to the mansion before heading to its highest point. Finally at the top of the mansion you'll load the anti-virus and capsule into the hidden machine at the top. Enter the activation code,and the machine will go off within five minutes. Alice once it activates you have a 95% chance of being killed," she said causing me to sigh. "Alright let's get everyone out of here first then we can end this all," I said shaking my head grabbing the anti-virus capsule.

—The End—

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