The End

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Claire POV:
Leon carried Rain as we all made our way back up to the mansion knowing this would end soon. "Leon take Rain as far away from the mansion as you can," I said nodding at him. Leon grunted as he shifted Rain's weight before beginning to walk off to the mansion's door. "You ready?" Alice asked me with a smirk on her face as I looked over at her. "You're asking if I'm ready to lose you," I said raising a eyebrow crossing my arms. "I promise I'll live," she said as she held both the anti-virus and the capsule. "Whatever just come on," I said as we begin walking up the stairs of the mansion. Nothing could've prepared me for knowing Alice's fate was sealed in death. "Claire when we get up there I don't want you near when I set it off," she said walking next to me. "I'll consider it," I said smirking as we walked next to each other enjoying what could be our final moments together. All of the shit we had gone through was all leading up to the moments ahead. All the death from Luther to K-Mart it was all going to be avenged in these final moments,but it all came with a sacrifice.

Alice POV:
The door to the roof came into view which caused nerves to come up knowing me end was almost near. "What if we don't do it?" Claire asked stopping me from walking. "Claire we have to do this. If we don't everyone will die out there soon," I said shaking my head in disbelief. Claire sighed looking down as I knew this was going to be tougher for her than it was for me. "Hey why don't we get married right here?" I asked smiling as I took the ring out of my pocket. Claire blushed looking up at me as she nodded "Let's do it," she said as she took the ring from my hand. "You know Alice Redfield doesn't sound too bad," she said putting the ring on my finger. "I think it sounds perfect," I said smiling as we both leaned in kissing each other deeply. Moments like this felt like they happened in slow motion. "Claire we have to do this," I whispered into her ear as I knew she was crying. "I know," she said with a sad tone as we broke the hug. "You're too pretty to cry," I said slowly wiping her tears away. "I love you," she said softly looking up at me with a smile. "I love you too," I said returning the smile knowing she was the one for me. "Come on let's end this hell," she said as we both walked out the door to the roof. "Hey maybe you should wait in the mansion," I suggested not sure if this thing could effect normal people. "Alice I have to be here," she said as I nodded along with her. "Alright then," I said before walking over to the spot which the machine rested. "What's the combination?" I asked my watch as the Red Queen appeared on it. "The combination 31502," she said causing me to smirk. "March 15th 2002 the date this all started," I said entering the combination for a little drawer to pop out. "Claire stand back," I said entering the anti-virus and capsule shaking my head. Looking up at the sky I smiled "I'll see you all soon," I said before pushing the drawer back in. "Hey I'll see you when you wake up," Claire said stepping back a fair bit confident I'd live. "Here goes nothing," I said pushing the button that started the timer. "You have five minutes to get out of here," I said looking over at Claire who crossed her arms. Slowly I walked over to her knowing our final goodbye would have to be brief.

Rain POV:
I woke up on the back of Leon blood dropping down from hand and leg. "Where's Alice and Claire?" I asked looking around to see it was only me and him. "You should rest now they'll be behind us shorty," he said grunting a bit. "How long was I out?" I asked shaking my head trying to get my vision fully back. "It's probably only been about twenty to thirty minutes," he said as we turned down a city alleyway. "Let's set up here," he said before opening a door with his free hand. "Leon I owe ya one now," I said chuckling a bit as he sat me down on the floor. "Don't mention it," he said shutting the door before walking over to a copy machine. "You try and rest," he said as he begin to push the printer in front of the door. "You think Alice will die?" I asked looking up at him as he stopped. "If she does we can't stop,but to answer your question no I don't think she will. Alice is tough she will make it," he said before finally getting the copy machine in front of the door. "I wish I had your confidence," I said shaking my head as I knew Alice would die on that roof. "You know you should have confidence in her after all she saved your life," he said sitting down next to me. "Hey Leon if I don't die from blood loss let's grab a drink or something sometime," I said laying my head on his shoulder. "I'll make sure you make it out of here alive," he said as I closed my eyes feeling safe.

Claire POV:
"Remember I love you," I said to Alice as we looked over seeing we only had ten seconds. Quickly I grabbed her,and for the last ten seconds we kissed deeply. The machine blew up sending a huge wave of green smoke into the air engulfing the both of us. I felt Alice get heavier in my arms as she stopped kissing back as well. Slowly I broke the kiss laying her on the ground softly. "You'll be ok," I said holding her body close as she wasn't breathing. I closed my eyes as I sat there waiting for her to come back to me. Every second that passed felt like a eternity as I just waited for her to wake up smiling. I laid down on the ground next to her cuddling her close as I slowly fell asleep. In my dreams I imagined a house where Alice and I lived with everyone we had lost. It was beautiful seeing how happy we were with everyone there,but it was all fake. I opened my eyes to see Alice still laying there not breathing at all. "I guess it was too good too be true," I said standing up as I begin to rain slowly. "I'll never forget you Alice," I said before walking over to the door down into the mansion. A single tear rushed down my face as I knew I had to go on without her. I walked off from the mansion trying to hold in the pain from losing her. Eventually I walked down the middle of the street where all the infected that lived there laid dead. It had only been a hour since I left the roof of the mansion,but it felt like century ago.

Alice POV:
A confused look rushed across my face as I woke up to see Becky and Claire standing at the foot of my bed smiling. "Mommy you're awake!" Becky said as she hugged me tightly. "This isn't right," I said standing up as Claire and Becky backed up. "Babe are you alright?" Claire asked stepping closer to me. "I'm on a roof with you waiting for me," I said shaking my head as flashes of the roof appeared in the background. "Forget about all that babe remember we have everyone coming over today. You know K-Mart will be super happy to see you are doing better," she said causing me to shake my head. "No K is dead. Becky is gone forever too,but Claire I need to get back to you," I said as the roof begin becoming more clear. "I'm coming Claire," I said as I closed my eyes breathing in deeply. Suddenly my eyes opened to see the night sky only too look around to see I was on the roof. "Claire!" I yelled jumping up to see she was gone,but I wasn't going to give up. Quickly I rushed down the mansion stairs knowing Claire went back to everyone else. It felt like every step I took was a thousand miles as Claire was away. Eventually I ran into a city seeing all the once living infected dead on the ground. "Guess it worked," I said before running again only stopping once I saw something out the corner of my eye. Grabbing the object I began running again,but I begin to run out of breath. Without my powers my stamina had dramatically decreased causing me to walk. Hours passed as eventually I saw the light of a fire from a far distance. I chuckled as I begin running again knowing I was closer to being reunited with Claire.

Claire POV:
I sat down leaning against the wall of the restaurant not wanting to ever move again. "Claire we got something heading this way," someone said as they flagged me over. "All the infected are dead it's probably...." I stopped before standing up realizing it could be her. "Open the gate!" I yelled out as they quickly opened the gate. Shaking my head I begin to run out to the figure running towards our base. Time seemed to slow down as I stopped seeing it was her. "I...I.. can't.." I started to say before she kissed me deeply wrapping her arms around me. I smirked kissing back knowing now I had more time with her. "I thought lost you," I said a tear running down my cheek. "I said I wouldn't die," she said chuckling a bit before kissing me deeply.

Narrator POV:
Alice and Claire embraced each other now reunited with no infected to worry about. Meanwhile Rain laid in a bed recovering as Leon sat by her side knowing she'd be safe. The anti-virus rapidly spread throughout the city,but it would take a while to teach all the world. Umbrella was now defeated never to be worried about again. Now,everyone aimed for one goal,and that was to help return the world to what it once was. Many died along the journey to end this apocalypse,but they won't be forgotten as no one truly ever is. Any survivors left out there would likely do the same as Alice and the others,but that's if anymore existed. Ultimately the world was cured from its resident evil,and now a rebirth begin.

—The End—

Sorry if the ending was lackluster,but what can ya do? Anyway this will probably be me final Resident Evil story! I'll also be adding endings to other stories soon!

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