Fighting the Dark

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Alice POV:
I smirked snapping the last soldier's neck. "Wesker you are going to have to do a lot better," I said to myself looking around. Needing to get my head in the game I walked through the next door to see a bunch of empty containment boxes. "Project Alice you all are going to die down here," the Red Queen said as small undead groans could be heard approaching. "Get a new catchphrase," I said running towards the infected. I had to end this apocalyptic nightmare everyone lived in. I was humanities last hope! I thought to myself snapping a infected's neck before back elbowing another. "Is that all you got!" I yelled out stomping on the down infected's skull. More infected could be heard entering the room meaning the exit wasn't too far from where,and answering my question. Cracking my knuckles I walked towards the group of infected picking up speed as I got closer. "Let's do it!" I yelled jumping into the middle of infected group fighting them off as they approached. "Claire I won't die I'll live for you," I thought to myself stabbing one of the infected kicking it away after.

Claire POV:
I sat across from Wesker as he looked at me with that sinister smirk. "Claire Redfield tell me why are you so loyal to project Alice? After all didn't she leave you all?" he asked leaning forward trying to get under my skin. "I'm not going to answer your stupid questions," I said looking at him. "Shame because if you don't play along I'll skip straight to the fun part," he said putting a handgun on the table chucking a bit. "Listen I'm here to make sure once Alice releases that anti-virus she doesn't die," I said leaning forward. "It's a real fun thing that you bring up that anti-virus considering it's in this very room," he said pushing a button in his desk revealing a small safe behind a bookshelf. "You know you've killed so many of the people I care about now that I don't even hate you," I said chuckling a bit. "Tell me Claire how do you feel towards me?" he asked hiding the safe once again. "I fell sorry for you knowing that you'll never have a real bound with anyone," I said leaning back in my seat. "Funny you should mention it because I was just about to say how you're emotions make you weak. Kind of like how they made that little K-Mart weak," he said smirking. I couldn't take his slight insults anymore as I raised to my feet going for the gun. Quickly he was behind me with the gun pointed at my head. "What a shame I had high hopes for you," he said smirking.

Rain POV:
I woke up with my ankle chained to the floor and a really bad fucking headache. "Hello Rain glad to see you are awake," Dr.Isaacs said over a speaker system. "Where the fuck am I?" I said standing up slowly looking around. "You are in the testing facility," he said as a chunk of the wall opened groaning coming from within. "Have fun," he said before the room completely went dark. I closed my eyes breathing in deeply listening for the groans as they got closer. I moved to the right hearing the groan go right past me. I launched a kick forward feeling my foot hit something that felt like a body. Suddenly a groan could be heard from behind as I felt whatever it was tackle me to the ground. Quickly I rolled out from under whatever the hell was on top of me,but suddenly I fell to the ground due to the chain pulling me down. Hearing a groan above me I kicked my feet in the air kicking the likely infected person. Jumping up to my feet I walked closer to where the chain was latched down to the ground. Slowly I bent down grabbing the chain knowing I could use it to my advantage. "Boo!" Isaacs said over the speaker causing me to jump only to be met by one of those infected. "Fuck!" I yelled out falling to the ground using the chain to hold the infected back. "I'll give you some light to spice it up," he said shinning some light revealing there were actually three infected coming closer. "You fucked up," I said chuckling as I kicked the infected off  of standing quickly. Keeping hold of the chain I begin to swing it around smirking as one came closer I used the chain hitting it in the head. "Is that all ya got?" I asked sarcastically round house kicking the one behind me snapping it's neck. "Don't worry this is only phase one," Isaacs said with a slight chuckle. "I can do it all day," I said wrapping the chain around the last infected's neck before snapping it. "Hey Isaacs go fuck yourself," I said chuckling as I saw Leon standing behind him before shooting him in the head. The chain around my ankle fell off as the door to the control center opened. "Glad to see you're still kicking," Leon said smirking as I walked in the room. "Don't worry I get shot done," I said smirking as we walked out of the control center.

Alice POV:
Stomping the last infected's skull in I begin walking to the next door sighing a bit. "Wonder of the others are tired of this yet," I said walking in the next room to see a lab. "Jackpot," I said to myself as I begin searching all around for the anti-virus. "Come on where is it?" I asked myself only seeing stuff I couldn't use. "Fuck!" I yelled slamming my hands down on the table realizing it wasn't in here. "Project Alice what you are looking for can be found in Wesker's library," the Red Queen said as she opened the next door causing me to smile. "Guess you felt like repaying me for killing my friends?" I asked sarcastically as I left the lab shaking my head. "Project Alice surrender now or die," I heard a familiar voice say as I saw a clone of Jill. "You know I always hated Valentine's Day," I said smirking as I grabbed my knife. "I see death is your choice," Jill said aiming her handgun at me firing a round. Quickly I rolled out of the way with inhuman speed due to my powers before throwing the knife in her stomach. "Don't worry Claire is so much better than you," I said standing up walking over to the dead clone picking up the handgun and knife. Suddenly the door behind me opened causing me to turn aiming the gun at whatever it was. "Hey it's just us," Rain said as her and Leon stepped forward causing me to lower my guard. "What happened to Abigail?" I asked assuming the worst. "Didn't make it,but we have a bigger problem," she said nodding over towards Leon who held up a map showing we only had one place left to search. "Only way to get there is by going through that door," she pointed to the door at the end of the hallway which just had Umbrella's logo. "On the map that room is labeled as the infected chambers meaning all the infected they have are in that room," Leon said shaking his head. "We have another way. Claire isn't here meaning wait let me see the map," I said taking the map putting it against the wall. "Bingo Claire is right where we need to be," I said smirking as I handed Leon back the map. "Now let's go," I said as we begin walking back to the vents.

—The End—

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