I've Got a Thing for You, and I Can't Let Go

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NOTE: Sorry for making this story so sad! I'll make it happier from here on out!!! SMUT AHEAD.

It had been a few weeks since Lizzie's passing. It was still their off season, Cruz and Jackson had plenty of time to have their own hobbies and once in a while hang out to practice. Jackson was starting to improve. He was hitting his top speeds again and he was really looking forward to beating Blake. He still didn't understand if Cruz and Blake were dating or if they just liked each other. During the last week before their first race of the season, Jackson decided to hang invite Cruz to hang out so he could tell her how he really felt. He knew he had to tell her before her and Blake ended up dating or something. By the look of how things were going between them, that possibility wasn't farfetched. 

The sleek dark racer made his way into room. He was focusing on his phone, trying to psyche himself into asking Cruz to hang out. Why was he so freaked out about asking her to hang out? It wasn't like he never hanged out with her before. It was just so he could tell her how he feels about her. Then if she decided that she didn't feel the same, he could move on with his life. He thought about it a little longer. Could he really be okay with that kind of rejection? He was very egotistic, well anyone could guess that. What if she didn't return the same feelings and it all becomes one stupid weird situation for the both of them? 

No he needed to tell her.

Cruz was out with her crew chief, Lightning and his girlfriend Sally. They were driving to look at a new house that Sally had her eye on. Lightning and Sally were planning on moving in together. Cruz was touring the rest of the house, she was admiring the interior design. The colors were cute too, the walls were baby blue and the borders were white. She continued down a hall, when she thought she heard a scream. She reversed and turned toward the dircetion it came from. She passed a room where she thought she saw another car, then backed up only to see Sally nuzzling Lightning, and she was crying. Cruz looked at the both of them with a confused expression. 

"I was waiting for this moment for so long!" Sally said with tears in her eyes. Lightning smiled with tears in his eyes as well. Sally saw Cruz staring at them and jumped up a bit from being startled. Sally rolled in closer to Cruz and told her that Lightning had just proposed. Cruz couldn't help herself from jumping around the happy couple.

"IT'S ABOUT TIME MR. MCQUEEN!!!! Awe!!! Now you'll be Mrs. McQueen!!!!" Cruz beamed at the light blue porsche femcar. Sally chirped in "I knooooow! I am so happy!" 

Lightning let out a small chuckle and went to kiss his now fiance's fender. Cruz stared at them admiringly. She had a trickling thought about what it would be like to be in love like they were. Hamilton, her personal assistant cut through the moment that Lightning and Sally were having.

"Cruz, you have a call from Jackson Storm." 

Cruz smiled and apologized quickly and left the room. Lightning glared toward her direction and Sally noticed right away. 

"Stickers, let her be." She kissed her red racer on his fender.

"I know, but she just has awful taste in guys." 

"Who said they were dating?" Sally asked him. 

Cruz drove back into the door way, he mouth agape but not saying anything.

"...Cruz?.." Lightning raised an eye shade at her, wondering if she was okay.

A strange moment of silence passed until Sally finally spoke up.

"I know it's been a very exciting day, I'm at a loss of words myself."

"I'm going on a date." Cruz seemingly blurted out without giving it any second thought.

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