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Jackson woke up being surprised that he didn't have another awful dream. He pressed the button that would open the shutters so he can escape his room. It was a bright sunny day. Not his favorite weather but whatever. He continued down the ramp. He saw Sally and Lightning driving down the road and going somewhere but he didn't care. He saw the big fire track watering his flowers. He continued going his way off to find his yellow rival. 

"Where could that costume girl be?" He mumbled to himself. He drove right back around into Lightning and Sally. They looked as if they were in deep conversation. 

"Looking for Cruz? She's with Mater out in the field over there." Sally said looking away from Lightning who was glaring at Jackson. 

"What's she doing-anyways thanks." Jackson said quickly and then passed both of them in search of Cruz. Lightning looked back at his fiancé.

"I realllllyyyy don't trust that guy around her Sal."

Sally gave him a tender kiss near his headlight. She smiled. 

"Tell me something I don't know." She chuckled. 

"I'm serious. He's that 'bad boy' type that I hate and-"

"Hmmm just like you were?" Sally smiles a little.

He looks at her shocked with his mouth still a little open. 

"Come on Stickers...maybe he's just as lost as you used to be...give him a chance." 

Jackson finally found Cruz and she was racing Mater but...they were going backwards? What in the hell is wrong with everyone here?

"OH HEY! Look who it is! Mr. Storm I'll teach ya how to race backwards!!!"

Jackson looked surprised at the rusty old tow truck doing really well as driving backwards. Cruz seemed to be having the time of her life as she was driving backwards towards Jackson. 

"Come on Storm! Drive with us!!!" She called out as she passed him by.

"No. I'm gonna go practice some more on the dirt track. See ya."

Cruz stared at him as he left and her smile dissapeared. Mater was still going and calling out to her. 

Jackson was fiddling with a pebble on his tire. He was trying to hype himself up to drive the dirt track. He was really afraid of not making that sharp turn. He didn't want to crash again in the cactus. He took a deep breath and then sped off. As soon as he got to that turn he panicked and tried to think of what Cruz said to him. Turn right to go left? What was it? He just closed his eyes and hit his breaks as hard as he could. Preparing for impact. He stopped. 

"Well you won't make the turn doing that." He heard an all to familiar voice. The veteran racer was staring him down and drove up next to the sleek black racer. 

"I'll show ya how to drift." He said and Jackson's expression fell. He didn't want anything to do with him. 

"Did I ask for your help? I only wanted Costume Girl's help. Not yours." Jackson retorted. Lighting lowered an eyeshade at him. 

"What's up with that nickname for her? Costume Girl? Man, at least give your little crush a better name than that." He said driving away. Jackson frowned. 

"Crush? OH no, no, no I'm afraid you're gravely mistaken. I would never be attracted to that little annoying-" Lightning turned towards him giving him a piercing look.

"Watch it buddy." 

Jackson stopped mid sentence. He needed to stop being so mean but he just couldn't help it. He couldn't stand pretending to be nice anymore. Lighting turned away from him before calling out to him. 

A Little Rain and  Some SunshineWhere stories live. Discover now