Chapter 1

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Sunbreak's POV

I sigh, gold and red mask on my face and wood bow covered in gold markings in my hand "... What does She want next Moonbreak? Or are we done for the day?"

I see Moonbreak show me the sign for the second option, after all, someone could be watching and his voice is very easy to pick out... Unlike mine... So we made up a basic sign language of our own, though we only use it on missions.

I feel a large amount of magic, it seems emotionless yet somehow creative, probably Ink "We should get going, Ink's here... Unless Lady Fate wishes us to be found? For her... Lovely entertainment..."

I see Moonbreak give me a look... Well, I think he does, should be able to tell even with the mask though, been working together for... A while "Got it, Entertainment... Greeeaaaattttt..."

I sigh, and get out a spear, stabbing the dead body near me, our target, poor human, he just tried to warn the Multiverse of Lady Fate but, well... I think you can figure out why we had to kill him...

I see Ink walk over, then notice the dead body (that my spear is still stabbing), oh and there's the anger... Spicy, ew... It's not the nice sour taste of pain...

I back up, then run, knowing Ink will chase, after all, he just found the monsters responsible for the murders Nightmare and his Gang weren't causing, I hold my magic close, hoping Ink won't feel it, I see Moonbreak next to me and open a portal, jumping through we land in Dreamtale...

I close it just before Ink can follow and change AUs again, so Ink can't figure out what AU we are in...

So! Another book, I make way to many and haven't finished one, but this idea has been in my head for a while...

Anyway! Picture of Sunbreak and Moonbreak!

Moonbreak has the sad mask, Sunbreak has the happy one

Moonbreak has the sad mask, Sunbreak has the happy one

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