(1) The Banishment

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***I'm new to this, so thank you for taking a look at my work! It may be a while before I update this, but I will eventually! I promise***

<<Odin's POV>>

"This is for your well being, Hela, and the rest of my people. You are aware of that, are you not?" I looked down upon my granddaughter. Am I really about to do this?

"I understand," Hela murmured. "but can I at least say goodbye to my daddy before I go?"

"I am terribly sorry," I replied "but I am afraid there is no time for farewells."

"Can I say goodbye to my brothers?"

"Fenrir and Jormungand are occupied with other matters. I shall inform them of your banishment ."

Hela glanced down at the floor, as if afraid of letting it show on her face that she felt abandoned. She wiped a tear from her face, and looked up at me.

I saw much of her father, Loki, in Hela. She had Loki's emerald green eyes, jet black hair, and mischievous grin. Hela would have been a spitting image of her father, if it wasn't for a rather prominent difference.

The left half of Hela's body and face was, if anything, a rotting corpse. Her beautiful green eyes were surrounded by a mass of white, brittle skull. The left side of her body, from shoulder to toe, was a skeleton, with her organs exposed from underneath her bones. She was only four years of age, and she appeared , as many of the Asgardians called her, half dead.

"Is it because of my appearance that I have to go away?" Hela asked.

"Partially so."

"Is there another reason why I am being banished? Have I done something to upset you?"

"No, you have not."

These words were not entirely a lie. There was nothing Hela had done that would have gotten her banished- she did cause trouble in the palace, but her punishments were not as severe. Hela was being banished for what she can do. The Æsir of Asgard knew of Hela's abilities, and how dangerous she and her siblings were to them.

Hela was able to use magic, like her father, but she had something else. Another special power of her own. A power I knew she possessed, and was fearful of her discovering her abilities and becoming a threat to the lives of my people.

I mustn't tell Hela, I thought, she will know when the time is right, when she is of age to rul-

"My king, it is time." It was Heimdall, Keeper of the Bifrost, and Guardian of the Gods.

Hela gave me an accusatory glare. This is your fault, isn't it? It seemed to have said.

Am I really about to do this?

I must. For the good of my people.

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