(7) Three is a Crowd

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<<Hela's POV>>

Well, that was much easier than I had expected. No bruises, no missing limbs. Leah was skeptical of how this would work out. She followed me all the way out of Hel, and made the journey through Niffleheim to get to the well. We both doubted my abilities, but I am good.

I felt a smile creep across my face, for what seemed like ages since I had last done so.

It felt fantastic.


As the smoke from my magic cleared, the first thing I was greeted with were two faces. Two identical faces, standing by a willow tree.

Vali and Narvi, I thought. They both seemed scared at first. Then they both smiled- one of them had an excited, friendly smile. The other one... I wasn't quite sure what it was, but it made me uncomfortable. His smile was crooked, like he was planning to do something to me...

The second thing I was greeted with was one of them- not able to tell them apart yet. I had a feeling I was about to, because one of them came up to me, kneeled down and said, "Greetings, m'lady. We have been waiting patiently for your arrival."


"I hope you had a safe journey here. You should get some rest, you look rather tired. You can borrow my bed, if you wish. There's plenty of room" He cracked the same crooked smile and then I realized why he made me uncomfortable: he's hitting on me. His half-sister. His younger half-sister. Wow


From behind him I saw his brother, mouth wide open in shock. I was surprised too.

The brother closest to me took my hand, and gently placed it against his lips, almost kissing it. My cheeks grew hot. It was strange, I hadn't felt this warm in a while.

My first thought: What the Hel?

He looked up and I saw his eyes, giving me a warm, welcoming look. They were a deep emerald gre-


'My brother, unlike me, has green eyes', Vali wrote in one of his letters.

I pulled back the good of my cloak to reveal my face. "Hello, Narvi," I said, slowly pulling my hand away.

His welcoming look faded. He seemed taken aback, like he'd done this a dozen times.
"Dang it," he said under his breath. "that usually works."

"Better luck next time, brother." Vali said. He stepped away from the willow tree and came towards me, arms open.

"Vali, I-"

He pulled me into a hug before I could say anything else. I wasn't sure what I would have said? And would it even need saying?

"Welcome back, Hela."

I couldn't think. I just felt so... happy.


We held the hug for a solid five minutes. Narvi obviously wasn't amused. At one point Vali begged him to join us, and he eventually gave in.

"I still don't think she is our sister." He mumbled, but I didn't care. I was home.

We stood there, Vali's nose resting on my forehead. (He and Narvi weren't that much taller than me. They were both about six feet tall, and I was about five feet and eight inches.)

I felt tears drip onto my head. Could Vali feel as happy as I am?

When the hug finally broke, we all exchanged glances. Vali had a wide smile on his face, his blue eyes surrounded by a pale pink. Narvi gave me a cautious, sideways glance.

I don't want to over exaggerate anything, but over the years, I've become something of a ghost story, something feared by those with a good soul, and for good reason. Narvi seems to have known of this.

There was one thing we all managed to say.

The air in the forrest seemed to grow silent since I arrived. Maybe the forrest has heard of me. Maybe this gentle wind has carried the word of man to the trees in a gentle whisper.

"So..."  the twins chimed in unison.

"Yeah..." I replied. I couldn't quite meet their eyes, so I just looked at the ground. Just...say something. "I did not except you to come, Narvi. I'm impressed"

"What do you mean by that?" Narvi protested. Uh oh, I thought. I didn't mean to offend him.

"Well," I said. I took a step back, looking at the trees surrounding me. "You didn't seem too eager to meet me."

"I wouldn't exactly want to meet strangers. What would make you think we were automatically family?"


Should I take it?

No. I don't think so.

"Don't like strangers?" I turned to face him."What about all those 'fair maidens' you wanted to meet at the tavern?"

"I don't call them maide- wait, how did you know that?" He took a step towards me.

"Your mind isn't exactly the hardest thing to read, Narvi."

"Well that isn't the most polite thing to do. You must have learned some manners living in that palace of yours, right?" Narvi moved forward, closing the space between us even more.

"I like to think of my home as more of a palace-shaped cave. I don't live in a palace, not like the Æsir scum in Asgard."

"You should learn some respect, Jotun filth." He hissed.

"Not the best thing you've spat at me until now, considering you're at least a quarter Jotun."

"Yes, in the blood from my father's side, but he is not family."

"Family extends farther than blood!" I spat.

"What would you know of family, you bastar-"

"You two need to stop!" Vali roared. He stomped toward us and pushed us apart. "I'd expect more respect from both of you, family or not."

Narvi and I took a few steps back. I turned to Vali.

"So...um" I mumbled. "shall we be heading off now brother?"

"Uh, yes! Of course! Let's go!"  Cheered Vali. He started marching off into the woods, with us following.

"Allons-y!" Said the twins, in unison.

How often do they do that?


Hello reader! Sorry I haven't updated in a while. I've been busy with schoolwork. I hope this chapter wasn't too short!

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