(3) Be Gone!

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<<Vali's POV>>

"What?!" Narvi exclaimed, his emerald green eyes bulging, and his golden brown hair practically standing on end. "I think I would've know if we had a sister, Vali. Mother would have told us, right?"

"Mother does not tell us everything. She didn't tell us about our father until five years ago!"

"We were five," he snapped "and she had been reasonable in doing so. Loki is deceiving, and arrogant and-"

"Do not call him that! He is still our father, and we should respect him."

There was a long stretch of silence as we made our way closer to the palace. I took time to look back to the day Sigyn, our mother, told us about our father- I did not remember much of him; he left us when Narvi and I were two. She told us who Loki was, and why he had left us.

"Daddy had to go back to his palace," she said, "so that he can help rule Asgard."

"Why couldn't he take us with him?"

"Your father married me against Odin's consent. Odin must never know about you two, or we may all be in trouble."

"Are you sure Odin won't catch us?" Narvi asked.

I snapped back to the present. "I hope not. He would ruin all the fun!"
Narvi's glare burns a hole into the side of my head. When Narvi is worried, you can sense it, like a nervous heat, from a mile away. He's always been like this; scared to death about our safety. Apparently, he thinks I'm reckless.


By the time we reach the palace, it's around noon, and I'm starving. Maybe we can sneak into the banquet hall later. I thought.

The palace was more beautiful than I could have ever imagined. It was a rather cloudy day, but even then the sunlight made the palace shine a glimmering gold. Stretching upwards into the sky, Odin's palace was a separate, more glorious world than the entire realm outside its walls.

There seemed to be a party being held today. The palace doors were wide open. Dozens of people, all laughing and chatting amongst themselves, were flocking in. Food, food, food, my mind had kept thinking. I didn't remember there being any holidays. I started to wonder what the festivities were for...

"W-We're not going to c-crash the party too, are we?" Narvi stammered.

"How else are to break in?" I replied.
Nobody seemed to be carrying invitations, or gifts, or wearing their fanciest clothing, so the party must have been open to the public.

We walked with the rest of the crowd into the palace, and Narvi was whimpering the whole way. I tried to hit him in the back of his head to shut him up, but he would just hit me back.

<<Narvi's POV>>

We were able to get in unnoticed- and without me passing out. Thankfully Vali didn't try to steal food from the banquet hall. Didn't steal yet, I thought to myself.

"Where are we to go next?" Vali.

"How am I to know, you brought me here."

"Oh, right. Well, I've heard that our sister isn't very liked, so Odin is most likely to banish her in public."

"Is that why all these people are here?" I said.

"It is probably why there are banners everywhere saying, 'Be gone, beastly, half-dead Hela!" he points toward a pair of columns, where a large banner hangs, displaying the crude, hostile words.

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