(10) Family Reunion

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<<Loki's POV>> ***A/N SQUEEEEEEE**

"I missed you too..." Hela groaned, touching the mark I had left on her cheek. The handprint was glowing red, and was slowly being surrounded by a deep, frost giant blue.

"What's the matter with you," I growled. "You run away, out of my reach for ten years, and all you say when you return is a measly 'Hello'‽"

Hela looked at me for a second, and sat herself up.
"Ran away?" She fumed. "Ran away?  I was on my own for ten years, no parental guidance, no family member in sight, because you thought that I ran away?" She grudgingly got to her feet. "If you had thought that was the case, then why didn't you come looking for me?"

"I–" I... didn't have an answer.

When I was looking anywhere I could for a clue as to where she went, I had lost track of time, and in two weeks, her brothers had...gone missing as well.

Another month after that, my so-called brother Thor got himself banished. During this time, I eventually found out that I was adopted, snatched away from my real parents. Since then, my life had fallen apart.

I lost so many loved ones, and the ones I still have can't look at me the same way.
Never... not after what I had done.

"I'm sorry, Hela. You know that-"

" 'I love you, right?' " she said, mocking my tone. " I know damn well you do. That doesn't mean that you care." She kept her voice down, as if to keep herself from exploding. Now both of her cheeks were glowing red, and her hands in fists. " In fact, it doesn't matter that you never went looking for me. I'll get over it, but 'sorry' won't cut it. Not even for you, Mr. 'Silver Tongue'. "

"Don't talk to me like that, you insolent brat," I growled. "I am your father."

"Then act like it."

Great, I thought to myself, she inherited my wit. I hope she has the better of me and her mother's temper.

"Look, Hela..."

"Drop it." she spat. "Just. Drop it. We can talk about this later." She turned away from me "HEY, BOYS. OVER HERE! NOW."

Two men were standing several meters behind her. They looked to each other, and started running towards us.

As they got closer, I could make out their appearance. The men were almost my height, though one of them seemed to be more muscly than the other. They both had golden brown hair. One them had aqua eyes, while the other had emerald-wait.


It couldn't be.

"Vali, Narvi..." I breathed. "What are you doing here?"

"We could ask you the same, Loki." Narvi...not you too...

"We got arrested, nothing too serious." this coming from Vali. "You should have seen Hela, father! She punched straight through that wa-"

"Vali..." his brother interrupted.

Narvi tried walking past me. I quickly put my left hand out, blocking his path. His eyes looked down at my hand, then up at me.

His eyes...they were mine. The same deep shade of green, and the same shape. Even the way he looked at me seemed familiar, and I knew exactly why. This was the way that I looked at Odin, with hatred and heartbreak.

I swore to myself that I would never become Odin, that I would never neglect the ones that are closest to me, or try to push them away. Now, I am afraid that that is exactly what I have become...a monster.

Narvi shoves his way past me. "Let's go." He said blankly. "The guards should be here any minute now"

"Oh, I took care of them." I sneered "They should be out cold for a few hours at most."

"Thanks." snapped Hela and Narvi, almost in unison.

No one can do that as well as Vali and Narvi. Narvi seemed to think this as well; he glanced at Hela, then at Vali. Vali shrugged, and shook his head in disapproval.

"Wait," Hela blurted. "where are we going?"

"Let's just head to the Bifrost and go home." the twins said, in unison. There it is...

"What if they try to arrest us again?" argued Hela.

"Then we'll have to break out again." I said.


We made our way out of the dungeon with ease. Hela and the twins took a moment to look at what I had done to the guards. They were sprawled on the floor, most of them leaning on each other, some even snoring

"H-how'd you manage to do this?" Asked Narvi, turning to me.

"Simple sleep spell, nothing too harmful."

"Maybe you should teach him some magic father!" Said Vali, teasingly "He's too scared to use it!"

"I'd practice on you, but I've gotten bored of it over the years." Narvi retorted.

Vali pursed his lips, not talking the rest of the way.

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