4) A Performance to Remember

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Sorry short chapter!
Word Count: 1,288 Words

I stared at the girls in shock, confusion, and wonder. Why in bloody hell are the girls in cheerleading outfits?..... I probably shouldn't tease, Yaoyorozu looks devastated.... I fear those two boys ogling them over there did something about this...

I quietly crept over to the two drooling boys in absolute disgust. I cleared my throat, "Ahem..."

They froze and fearfully turned around to face me. "Did you know that I can curse and jinx people as well?"

They shook their heads, and answered "N-No.."

I grew a sinister smile, "If you pull a stunt like this again..... I won't hesitate to make you barf up slugs for an entire day..... Am I clear?"

They gulped, "Y-Yes...."

I showed a happy smile, "Good we have an understanding..." I left the threat hanging with tension in the air. Happy with my accomplishment until a voice spoke up.

"Barf up slugs? You can do that?....."

I found Todoroki standing with a confused, slightly disgusted expression at the threat. I gave a sheepish grin, "Ah that, well I can do other things, but that's one of my favorites."

Todoroki's spine shivered, 'What kinds of other things could she do?...' (Lowkey thinking about how to prank Endeavor😂)

Midnight was about to move on with drawing the matchups when Ojiro spoke.

"Um excuse me..... sorry but I'm withdrawing." He raised his hand.

What is he thinking?!

Midoriya and Iida spoke, "Why?-"
"This is a rare chance to get scouted!"

He's right, why does Ojiro want to waste this opportunity?...

Ojiro lowered his hand, "It wouldn't be right, I don't remember anything from the Calvary battle until the end...... I.... think it was that guy's quirk."

I furrowed my eyebrows, frowning at the recollection, 'The purple haired bloke he was with in the Calvary Battle?'

"I wish I could take advantage of this opportunity, but I just can't."

Midoriya spoke, "Just think about this.."

"I Have! Everyone fought hard in round 2, and I was just a puppet...."

Hagakure protested, "You're reading too much into this! Just kill it in the finals and prove you're meant to be here!!"

Mina continued, "Yeah I didn't do much in the battle either."

Ojiro put a hand to his face, "No... I'm talking about my pride here... I won't give that up........Also why are all the girls dressed up like cheerleaders?"

The girls flinched, probably in embarrassment at the observation....

Another voice spoke, "Nirengeki Shoda from Class 1-B, I want to withdraw for the same reason.I didn't want to advance like this. It goes against the nature of the festival, to move on without earning it!"

Kirishima teared up with clenched fists, "Look at them! They're so manly!!..."

I looked towards Midnight, who was silent for a moment when she voiced, "That's naive my boys! It turns me on!! Ojiro, Shoda! You're withdrawn!!!"

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