Chapter 2

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The next afternoon, Reina, Rio, and four of their most trusted men arrive at Beth's house.

 The silence is almost deafening as the tension grows. Oscar counts the money silently as Reina circles the woman sitting at the table. A wide grin painted on her pink lips. Annie's breath quickens everytime Reina gets close making the woman feel a sense of satisfaction. 

Oscar finishes counting the money and shakes his head at Rio. Reina lets out a sigh and pouts mockingly. 

"Ustedes tienen un trabajo," Reina laughs. Rio walks up to the table. 

"You're short" 

"No, we're not," Annie argues. 

"Yes, you are" 

"Actually we're over" 

Reina raises an eyebrow. She crosses her arms and waits for the female's explanation. Reina watches as Annie pulls out a stripped shoe box. 

"See, these are super rare collectibles-" 

"Treasures" Beth corrects. 

"Yes, sister. You are correct" Annie pulls out 4 bobbleheads. "That's a better word for these, because these super rare treasures go for 10 to 15 G's on Ebay. How much legwork is there, right? But the truth is, it's very little. Because we have done the lion's share for you." 

Ruby then slides a small stack of papers over. "This is the username and password to all of our eBay accounts. Plus, auction tips to maximize your profits." 

"You want us to sell your dolls?" Reina says walking over to Rio's side. Oscar and the others stand behind them in the doorway. 

"Tell her about Hans" Beth says. 

Annie begins to speak as Rio leans down and looks at the bobble head. "Ooh our little drummer boy. The pride of Hamburg. You see- Hans here is one of only 12 in the entire-" Rio smashes the doll into the table. "Eleven in the world" 

"This some kind of joke to you?" Rio asks. 

Annie shakes her head no. 

"I'm done playing with you guys" Rio says walking away into the living room. 

Reina snaps her fingers while looking at the girls intensely. Oscar, Marcus and Kaz start to destroy the house. They break dressers, bookshelves, bowls and other things around the house. 

"What are they doing?" Annie asks, fear in her voice. 

"Making it look like a home invasion" Reina answers with a smirk. 

"So they can kill us" Beth whispers.  

"Please don't do this" Ruby pleads. Reina pretends not to hear her as she pulls out her gun from her waist band. 

The gun wasn't painted in gold like Rio's. Instead, it had a small white crown on it painted on the side. Rio got it for her on their second date. The crown had a double meaning. One her name means queen in spanish. Two, Rio said that she would be his queen and they would rule their gang together. 

"Wait! Please wait! We can get you your money!  I swear!" Annie begs. 

Reina hands her gun to Oscar who then puts the silencer on it. Oscar hands the gun back to Reina and Reina points the gun at Beth's temple. 

Beth shudders as she feels the cold metal meeting her skin. Annie and Ruby hold each other as they continue to beg for their lives. 

"You're an idiot" Beth states looking at Rio who is texting on his phone. 

Reina is taken back. "Excuse me?" 

"What? Are you going to blow our brains out all over the room? Because that's how it works right? Someone shorts you and they get tossed out like trash? No one cares and no one notices" Beth says. Her eyes are pink and tears flood but remain unshed. 

"Oscar come give this niña a gold star," Reina pushes the gun to her head making her flinch. 

"You're problem this time is, that's not us. We're normal people. We pay our taxes and we take our kids to P.F. Chang's and we take orange slices to soccer games. And when bad things happen to good people, everyone else goes crazy. It's all over the news, and there are all of these hashtags and movements. Because if it could happen to us then it could happen to anybody," 

Reina looks at Beth and then turns and looks at Rio. "Are you buying this shit?" 

Rio looks at Reina and back to Beth. 

"So if you want to bring all of the attention, over a few grand, then you aren't the smart business man you think you are. Now, roll the dice. Tell her to pull the trigger. See what happenes." 

Reina raises an eyebrow at the second to last sentence. 

Tell her  

Reina bites her tongue and turns to Rio. Rio looks her in the eyes. They stare at each other for a few seconds when Rio shakes his head slightly saying no. Reina lowers the gun disappointedly. 

"Let's go" Reina orders. Oscar grabs the money from the table. Rio stands up and waits for Reina. Reina grabs a hold of his hand and the two make their way out of the house. The others following behind them. 

Rio and Reina make it to their warehouse and sit in their office. 

"Why did you let them go?" Reina asks taking a sip of her bourbon. 

"We can use their help" Rio says. 

"Them? The housewives? Please. They'll crack like a Ritz and go squealing like pigs to the cops."

"No they won't. You saw her, Elizabeth. She wasn't scared." 

Reina rolls her eyes. "Fine, but we give them a dummy run. Make them go up to Canada and grab a crate. We won't tell them what's in it just that they need to get it and give it to us." 

"And what should we put in the crate?" 

"It can be stuffed animals for all I care." 

"She might start making us pay rent if we keep coming to her house" Reina jokes as they walk through Beth's house and into the backyard. 

Reina ends up helping one of the boys with their math homework while Rio watches. 

"...Kyle kept eight of the jujubes and gave the last ten to Kim. How many jujubes did Jen take from Sam?" the kid asks looking at his paper. 

"Thirty-six" Reina answers. 

"You know how many she'd take if Sam had a gun, though?" Rio asks. 

"How many?" the kid asks. 

"Zero" Reina and Rio say at the same time. 

Elizabeth rushes down the steps towards the three of them. 

"Kenny, go inside now!" 

"But your friends are helping me with homework. 

"Stop with the homework. Go inside and watch tv, now" 

"Do what she says little man" Reina says urging the boy to leave. With a sigh, Kenny grabs his things and goes inside the house. 

"You know you should really get him tutor" Rio says getting up from his seat. 

"Baby, they can't afford a tutor because they're in debt. Remember?" Reina mocks. 

"You want the rest of the money? We'll get it" Beth says backing up. 

"Nah let's forget all of that," 

"Then why are you here?" 

"We thought about what you said, about not being basic bitch and whatnot" 

"That's not exactly what I said" 

"Maybe there's something you can help us out with," 

"What's that?" 

"Do you ladies have passports?" Reina asks. 

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