Chapter 4

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"Be cool" Beth says to her bestfriends as the border patrol check the trunk of their vehicle.

 The 3 housewives watch as the officers look at them and back to the now open crates. Annie fiddles with her fingers while Ruby licks her lips causing the lip stick to fade slightly. Elizabeth is the only one out of the three who doesn't seem nervous. 

"Uh oh. Better hope they don't look to deep in those crates. No clue what they'll find" Reina says finding humor in the housewives fear. After a few tense minutes, the officer closes the trunk and walks over to the four women. 

"Have a safe trip home. Thank you for your patience." The officer says handing back the passports. The four women hop back in the car and make their way across the border and back into the Michigan state lines. As soon as the cross the 'Welcome to Michigan' sign, Elizabeth pulls over. 

Elizabeth lets out a breath of air. "It would really calm me down if I saw what was in those boxes" asking for Reina's approval. 

"Knock yourselves out, just don't destroy or take anything" Reina says playing a game on her phone. 

The mom squad get out the car and walk to the back and pop the trunk. They quickly open the crates and look inside.

"The dog would have smelled drugs right?" Beth asks her friends. 


"I already told you that it isn't drugs, just arts and crafts" Reina says still looking down at her phone. Beth finally gets the crate open and sees wrapping paper. All of the crates are filled with wrapping paper. 

"Get in there. Come on" Annie says rummaging through the open box. "Is there something inside" she asks looking  through the wrapping paper roll. 

Annie and Ruby continue to look through the box while Elizabeth unwraps the wrapping paper from the plastic. 

"Hey!" Reina says looking straight at Elizabeth. "You tear it, you buy it." 

Elizabeth then carefully unwraps the wrapping paper looking at the colorful Christmas themes. "It's wrapping paper. It's just wrapping paper" 

Annie and Ruby give the woman shocked looks. 

Reina gives them a mischievous smile, "I told you guys it was for arts and crafts." Her smile drops, now hurry up and get moving. I got things to do" 

The housewives quickly pack up and start their drive back home. Dark clouds roll in as Reina gives Elizabeth the instructions on where to go. Finally, they end up at looks to be runned down warehouse with a 'Number 5' on it. 

"Is this it?" Ruby asks unimpressed. 

"Are we supposed to knock or something?" 

"Just pull up, they'll let you in" Reina says sending a quick text. Just then, the garage door opens. Elizabeth pulls in and parks the vehicle. She unlocks the trunk and 3 men get the boxes out of the trunk and place them in their respective places. Reina gets out the car and looks around the room to see everyone hard at work. Her eyes scan the room and stop when she sees Rio talking to a few men. 

"Y'all can go now. We all good" Reina says not looking at them. She then walks forward towards Rio, her footsteps making the workers stop. She continues walking, Rio pauses his conversation and meets her half way. 

"Mi reina" Rio says kissing her cheek. The workers get back to work. 

"Mi rey" she says. Rio wraps an arm around her waist and introduces her to the men he was talking to. Reina is quickly put up to speed and joins the conversation. 

"-Moving double what we did six months ago" Rio says. 

"Excuse me. Hi. Excuse me" Elizabeth says to Rio and Reina but is ignored. "I just need to know we're good" 

Reina bites her tongue not knowing how much longer she'll take the disrespect from this woman. Knowing her, a few days. 

"No one's going to show up at my house. No guys, no guns" Elizabeth walks away and then comes back. 

"Good job guys this all looks good. Make sure you keep your eyes on the stacks, I want 50s here and 100s here. Don't want any mess ups like last time" Reina says with no venom in her voice. 

"I'm going to need to hear you say it" 

Rio takes his hand from Reina's waist after tapping her twice, and turns and faces Elizabeth. 

"We're good" 

Elizabeth clears her throat and walks away back to her car. 

Reina was quickly losing her patiences with the strawberry blonde woman. 

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