Holding Hands | Kuroko x Reader

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Valentine's Day Drabbles


You couldn’t believe it.

You and Kuroko were on a date and every moment you spent with him felt so surreal to you; never in your whole high school life have you ever thought that Kuroko would actually ask you out on a date.

More surprisingly, on Valentine’s Day.

The date had been practically normal since both of you had been keeping comfortable conversations with each other and just walking around town in the silence, but the thing you wanted dearly to happen on this date was to hold his hand.

It may sound cliché, but honestly, you had been wanting to feel the gentle warmth and the softness that you were willing to feel from his hand, but being the shy person you were, you couldn’t bring yourself to hold it.

And every time you had forced your own hand to reach for his own, you would instantly bring your hand back to your side.

You were too engrossed with your thoughts that you didn’t realise him calling your name.

“Are you alright (Name)? You seemed out of it for a while now” Kuroko said calmly with a tinge of concern in his gentle voice.

“N-No, I-I’m alright, I’m just thinking how amazing this date has been, haha…” you stuttered while giving the bluenette an uneasy smile.

“Do you want to hold my hand?” Kuroko said straightforwardly. Your eyes widened and your face began to change into a dark shade of red.

“H-Huh? H-How did you k-know?” you stuttered once again, feeling embarrassed with yourself.

“I’ve noticed that you have been trying to hold it, you don’t have to hesitate, I also wanted to hold your hand too” Kuroko answered with a soft smile. Your eyes softened and you smiled back. 

Without hesitation, you intertwined your fingers between his. His hands were warm, soft and gentle just as you thought it would be and everything felt perfect. 

Your smile widened as he gave you a kiss on your cheek and you continued to walk along with him on the beautiful night.

“Your hands are so cold, (Name)” Kuroko chuckled.



A/N: I hope you enjoyed this everyone!! Kuroko is bae you know?? Hehehe~ More Valentine's Day drabbles will be out soon lol. Though Valentine's Day would already be over lol.

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