Perfect Morning | Takao x Reader

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Other than his ongoing obsession over Midorima, please don't tell me you don't ship them, or his highly irritating antics that make you want to punch him at some times, or maybe his presence that seemed to create conflict on a regular basis, you would say that you preferred this quiet side rather than the mishaps that happen to be Takao Kazunari.

But you thanked God for the umpteenth time for having the chance to wake up to such an adorable sight in a beautiful morning. You would've never got out of bed if it meant that you would cherish a moment like this forever. You laughed at yourself in that instance as you realized how creepy you sounded.

It so happened coincidentally that you woke up to Takao's sleeping form in the perfect moment and in the perfect position. You gave yourself a mental applause for achieving such an accomplishment, and you decided to reward yourself by appreciating the perfections of his sleeping form.

It made you smile when you realized that he was still wearing the oversized jacket that you had bought the other day; it was, without a doubt, a very cute jacket, for it had cat ears sewn to the hood and who the hell wouldn't want one?

Your breath hitched as you felt his toned chest through the jacket, sneakily; your hands unzipped the jacket and travelled each and every area, leaving no place untouched. You continued this for a few minutes before you began to realize again, how weird you were, feeling someone else's body while they were sleeping. Hiding the evidence that your hands laid on his torso, you zipped the jacket and continued to enjoy the moment.

Still, you couldn't help but squeal at how amazingly adorable and hot he looked wearing it on.

Wanting to entertain yourself a bit more, you raised your hand to his face and began to roam around on his face, journeying to the perfect long eye brows, to his pale eye-lids which concealed his beautiful silvery eyes, to his perfectly shaped nose and cheeks which you pulled on gently, not to wake him, and to his perfect parted lips as he breathed in the air that you both shared. Those lips were tempting you to kiss on.

Your face flushed and in that instance, you placed your hand on your chest to feel the beating of your heart as you gave out a smile, murmuring, "Takao, I love you."

Ah, you caught yourself falling in love with him all over again.

You pushed yourself closer to him as your hands buried itself in his jet black, silky hair, and you leaned up closer to his face and placed your lips on his before murmuring again, "always."

Suddenly, you felt yourself being pushed up into the bed and you gasped, making Takao gain dominance and intensify the kiss. Finally, as you both breathed for air, you pouted at your cheeky boyfriend.

"I love you too, forever and always, (Name)" Takao leaned down again to give you another chaste kiss. "Hehe~ (Name), by the way, I know what you were doing this whole time~ You really do love my abs that much huh?" he teased, a smile etching on his face. You blushed furiously and punched his chest playfully, he wasn't going to let you live it down.

"Sh-Shut up.. There was n-nothing there anyways!" you screamed internally at yourself for sounding frantic.

"Oh? Well, since you enjoyed yourself, don't you think it's my turn?" He questioned you with a mischievous tone, and lustful eyes.

"N-NO I'm sorry, don't-" you then began to laugh hysterically as he continuously poked your sides, "T-T-Takao I s-said I-I'M SORRY!! Sto-" tears began to form as you tried to speak.

"Sorry (Name), this is payback!" Takao smiled innocently. And he continued to torture you.

The day was well spent, playing around with your boyfriend and cuddling with him for the rest of the day, and you wouldn't want it any other way.


Everyone thank you for waiting, (lol have you been? XD) I AM SORRY FOR NOT UPDATING //SCREECHES. How have you all been, goddamn it's been a long time I know, I deserve a slap on the face. no joke. But I'm back and I'm gonna continue writing again, make new fanfics for different fandoms and different characters, mix it up a bit!! Ah you're still mad at me?? Okay I understand :'D But thank you so much guys, I'll continue and I'll make a lot because school holidays hit me and I'm tired so YASS LET'S GO DO THIS!!!!

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