A Beautiful Night

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The ground cold beneath me, the blanket soft against my skin,
I stare into the infinite azure sky, scuttling white clouds momentarily blocking the sun
A breeze lazily flaps the edge of the blanket, halfheartedly trying to lift it off the ground
I lie for hours on the rock, gravity tying me down
With a reassuring constant presence

As the sky darkens, twilight forms,
I make a wish on the first star of night.
I once heard it was actually a planet, but i forget its name
As more pricks of light wink into view,
My imagination overtakes me
And i float in a boat into the infinite cosmic abyss
On a river of stars and stardust marking my path

I gently reach over the low wooden panel
And tap the black between the pinpricks
The ripples are tiny at first, barely even noticable
Then they grow until the whole sky is an ocean of waves
Crashing against the far off shore
My boat rocks back and forth, violently tossing me out
I fall back to earth, hit the ground with a thud

My eyes open and i see
Millions and billions of stars in front of me
Their light shines on my face, blinds my eyes
Hiding the darkness i was curious about
They calm me until i hear a voice
That sounds like how i imagine the earth would sound
Deep, vibrant, lyrical
Calling me home one final time

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