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"KEEP YOUR HEAD UP." I looked in the camera and laughed at his face. "And loosen up!" He sighed and leaned back opening his legs a bit. His face still the same, think. "Hey, so was Oikawa always like that?"

"Like what?"

"Creepy?" This loosened him up and a smile creeped onto his face, not wasting a moment, I hurried up and took the photo. "Can I ask you something?"


"Are you wondering why I chose you?" 

"Kind of."

"My mom.. always said, I had this gift. To see the most.. insecure people. Or whatever." I looked down fiddling with my camera. "She said one day, my eyes will open. I-I'll be able to see... the perfect person when I see them."

"Have you?"

"I didn't see any of the people I did as the perfect person.. until I met you. I know it's weird, but... I knew. I knew I had to take photo's of you. One last person." I looked at him tried to smile, like I always do. "You ever feel like.. you are meant for more.. then something crashes down on you? And you feel like this is it?" I asked biting my lip shaking my head. 

"Yeah, I get that." I looked at him and smiled. 

"Sorry, we barely know each other and I'm-"

"It's fine. So, how many people you've done so far? Like take photos?"

"Since I was 13?" He hummed in response.. I began to think. "Hm, I guess around 70."

"70? Wow." 


"How many did you turn down?"

"About 80 or 90."

"Wow, you weren't joking when you said you were picky." I laughed and leaned against the table outside. 

"It's not that. I look into their eyes. It's were the heart is, you can know someone by the look in their eyes." 

"What about mine? What do you see?"

"I see..." I stopped and looked in his eyes. "I see you care about your friends. You have more a hold on your mother than father. You.. you don't mean to come off as an ass, but you don't want people to see the real you, unless it's Oikawa." 

"Seems about right."

"How do you handle him? Oikawa."

"How do I deal with Oikawa?" I think this is the first time he didn't give him an insult. "I don't know. Now, Kageyama, god he's annoying." I laughed and shook my head. 

"Do you love him?"

"I guess, as a brother. He's my friend.. even though the Trashy part comes with it. But it's... it's part of him. And he's serious sometimes, but annoying most of the time." I laughed a little listening to him. "When we play, Oikawa, is the best captain to have. He uses players to their best abilities, and his serves are amazing." I smiled at him, he's opening up. "And sure he's cocky, and creepy sometimes. A little self-centered too. I've known him all my life, I don't know what I'd do without him." I stayed silent thinking he has more to say. I was speechless, who knew. "Why are you so silent?"

"Is there more?"

"He's... he's.. he's just my best friend. And even though I hit him, call him names. It's something he doesn't get upset or pay mind too it. I think it's because we know each other so well enough to not worry. But he's still a Trashykawa."

"Now why did you have to go and ruin the moment." I thought for a second. "What's the nicest thing you given each other?" He immediately snorted. 


"Now, you know if he was here he'd say..." I walked over and sat next to him and fake pouted. "Iwa-Chan!" We busted out laughing. 

"That was pretty good." 

"Well, danke." We sat in silence for a while, enjoying the wind. I even felt my body shiver... wait. 

"You okay?"

"I-I'm... I'm cold!" I exclaimed happy, it's been so long. I felt tears fall and a smile form. I laid back shivering as the cold ground hit my back. Please be good news. 

"Are you sure you're okay?"

"I haven't felt cold in 2 years, Iwaizumi." He looked at me in shock. 


"Yeah." We were silent again, I still had a smile on my face, I missed this feeling.  

"Don't tell Oikawa what I said about him."

"I won't." I looked at him to see him looking at me. "Iwaizumi?"


"What do you think about death?"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean do you think we blink out, just like that?"

"I don't know. I guess.. I guess it depends."


"On how you die. If you suffered or not. Like if you drown, or catch fire. I know you're gonna feel it. But what if you get shot? Be over quickly."

"Guess I didn't think about that. Can I tell you my opinion?"


"I think when we die, the 'light' they always talk about.. I think it's the hospital light blinding us.. it's like a tunnel. You die and reborn as a baby.. I think the real reason we cry when we're born is because we remember everything and it slowly slips away, and becomes just that... a memory. A memory we will never get back. I think we die and live life over again in a new generation." I closed my eyes as the wind blew, letting him process what I said. 

"Huh, I never thought about it like that. That is a possibility." 

"I want to do things I never done in these next.. 16 days. Things I haven't crossed off yet."

"Crossed off what?"

"Me and My made a list. When we were 11. We still have some of them uncrossed. I just don't know."

"What are they?"

"1- Travel the world

7- Get a guys number

8- Make one guy friend

9- See the other get married

10- First kiss

11- Afterlife?

14- Find our true love

15- Fix someone's heart

16- Be in two places at once.

17- If the other dies, take a picture of the sky with the caption saying, I'll see you again in another life

18- Make each other godmother" I said putting my arms under my head, relaxing. 

"Let me see your phone." I looked at him confused but took my phone out. He typed in something handing it back seeing he put his number in. "Now you can cross off number 7, and 8. Me and Oikawa will be your guy friends." I smiled and I did. 

7- Get a guys number -done

8- Make one guy friend -done

"Thank you."

"So why, 16?"

"Tired of living life slowly.."

"Wait... number 10, you never had your first kiss?" I felt heat rise up to my cheeks from embarrassment. 

"Nope. Never." 

The Photographer-Iwaizumi HajimeWhere stories live. Discover now