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Day 4

"YOUR BIRTHDAY'S TOMORROW!" Was the first thing I heard when I stepped into class. 

"I know, I was there when I was born."

"Smartass." I laughed and sat down watched as the boys walked in. "Did you throw up this morning?"

"No, surprisingly. Oh, and I can feel the cold nice weather again!" I exclaimed happily. 

"Really? That's great! So what are we doing tomorrow!"

"What's happening tomorrow?" We looked at the boys, don't say it, don't say it.

"It's Sara's 18th birthday, and she doesn't want to celebrate." She said it, she fake pouted after. 

"Why Sar-Chan?!" Now Oikawa's pouting. 

"I haven't celebrated since I was 15."

"Then that settles it. It'll be your first birthday we celebrate in 2 years." I looked Iwa pleading. 

"Guys, why can't we all just, watch anime and eat ice cream or something?"

"Because you'll be 18! Then you can move in with me!"

"I'm not moving." I said, sternly. "You can move in with me."

"Fine, but my birthday's not until September." Right... I don't even know if I'll be here... 

"We'll celebrate that too!" I smiled and looked at Miya. 

"All of us?" I know what she means, I grab her hand and smile. 

"Wouldn't have it any other way, silly." She smiled and stood up, I quickly grabbed Iwaizumi as he grabbed Oikawa, Miya dragged me to lunch, I dragged Iwaizumi, and he dragged Oikawa. By the shirt, so he was literally dragging him. 

"How do we plan to do tomorrow?"

"Guys no party please? Let's worry about the boys game, we are meeting the rest of the team today."

"Fine, are we riding the bus with y'all?"

"I spoke to coach so yeah." I nodded my head resting it on my hand. 

"I get to see Noya, Asa, Dad-chi, Suga-mama, Tana-perv, and Ki." I said smiling, I turned to look at Miya, but my hand turned wrong and it slipped, making me fall into Iwa. "S-Sorry!" I quickly sat up scratching the back of my neck. 

"It's fine."

"ALL MEMBERS OF THE VOLLEYBALL TEAM, SARA NAKAMUR, AND MIYA UZUMAKI, PLEASE REPORT TO THE GYM." We all got up and walked to the gym, joking around, I jumped on Iwaizumi's back, he caught me with ease. Oikawa begged Miya to jump on his back, but she was too shy, she would also be embarrassed. 

"Iwaizumi! I didn't know you had a girlfriend!" Me and Iwaizumi glared at the kid with blonde hair and black strips on both sides. 

"You're lucky she's on my back, or I'd hit you as hard as I hit Oikawa, Kantaro!" I laughed and patted his head. "What?"

"I don't mind, it's fine." I smiled, even though I basically just said I don't mind that Kantaro called me Iwa's girlfriend. "You can put me down if you want." He squatted a little and I slid off. "Thanks for the ride."

"No problem. Guys this is Sara and her friend Miya." The team waved at us. "Guys this is, Kantaro." We waved at the boy from earlier. "Yuda." I walked up to him patting his head. 

"You're like a miniature Oikawa." The young boy blushed and looked down. "But you don't act like him, thank god. We do not need another Crappykawa." Everyone laughed as Oikawa put his head down and Miya patted his back saying sweet nothings making the boy smile. I walked back to Iwa as he continued. 

"Then there's Akira." We waved at the cat like black haired boy. "Kindaichi." I laughed at the shape of his head before whispering to Iwa.

"He looks like a potato." Iwa snickered a laugh trying not let it out, I covered my mouth doing the same. 

"I didn't think you were capable of laughing Iwaizumi." Iwa glared at the redish brown hair. 

"Shut it, Hanamaki. By the way this is Hanamaki." I nodded waving to the young boy, Miya doing the same. "Then Sinji, Yahba, and Matsukawa." 

"Nice to meet y'all." I smiled and nudged Iwa's rib. "Iwa talks kindly about y'all."

"Really?" I watched as some of their faces went into shock, some smiled, some began to cry.

"No." They all dropped their heads quickly making me laugh. 

"I see why you like her."

"On the bus. Let's go." Iwaizumi dragged me, as Oikawa dragged Miya. I sat next to Iwa, Miya by Oik. 

"Miya and Oikawa sitting in the seats, K-I-S-S-I-N-G." Miya threw her jacket at me, good thing she's in front of me.

"What are you five?"

"Noooo, I'll be 18 tomorrow, Baka."

"I hate you."

"I love you too." I laughed as she turned around blushing, I leaned forward and whispered. 

"First comes love them comes marriage, then comes S-E-X." She put her hands over her face. "Then comes a baby in a baby carriage." She began to shake her head violently. I laughed and sat back, more like someone pulled me back. 

"You say anymore her head might explode."

"Good point, Oik?" He nodded leaning forward saying the same in the setters ear, making him a blushing mess too, we laughed leaning into each other. "This is fun, thanks for inviting me." I kept my head on his shoulder looking out the window. 

"Yeah, no problem. I'm glad you came." I smiled and looked around the bus.

"Um... Iwa." I pulled on his jacket making him look at the others, they were taking photo's of us and videos. 

"Our vice captain has a heart!" Oikawa turned around with his phone out, videoing. 

"They grow up so fast." Iwa sat up hitting Oikawa in the head. "Iwa-Chan!"

"Go back to your baby carriage." I tried not to laugh, but My and Oik began blushing, I couldn't help it. Me and Iwa laughed hysterically. 

"I-I-I haven't laughed like this in so l-long." 

"Me.. either." Our laughter died down and a comfortable silence dragged across the bus. Everyone in their own conversations. I looked Iwa. 

"Thank you, Iwa. Not just for bringing me, but making me laugh."

"No problem, that's what... I'm here for." I don't know if he didn't want to say friends.. but I'm glad he didn't. I nuzzled into him and smiled. 

"Me too."

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