Chap 26

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There is only 2 things that were think by the people inside the training hall and that is "How does he know?" and "What is he talking about?".

Third POV

(Time skip for 3 months)

-New York-

"Hello and good morning class!" Mr.Shaw said.

"Morning Mr.Shaw!"

"For morning homeroom I have only 1 announcement."

"What is it Mr.Shaw?"

"Our school are having sports festival in a week." reply Mr.Shaw.

The class are not suprise with the suprise anymore. They had expect such an unexpected scene in the number 1 hero school after months of schooling and experiencing it themself.

"You have a complete week to train your stamina and quirk before the school festival. Make sure to enjoy the festival too ya."

"Our school also inviting the UA high school from Japan."

"You mean the immature kids from last time?" ask a student.

"Yup" reply Mr.Shaw with a pop P from the yup.

"Oh gosh. I dont want to cope with them" said a student while rolling her eyes.

"You just need to do it for a day. Please for the school? You can ignore them too if they getting annoying or something."

"Fineee." sigh all the students.

"Thank you! Thats all for today. Byee!"

-At UA-

They were talking loud especially Katsuki well he aren't talking he is yelling for 'shitty hair' and 'dunce face' to shut the hell up.


The sound of the classroom door were opened and they see Aizawa with him activating his quirk making everyone sit and shut up (even katsuki).

"I have an announcement problem children."

"What is it Aizawa sensei?" Uraraka said.

"We were invited to go to HC again."

"Uhm for what?" ask Yaoyorozu.

"Were invited for their sports festival that will be held in a week. So pack your bags and we will leave in 5 days. We will stay there for 2 weeks. Bring some money too we will go shopping there once in a while."

"Yes!" shout Izuki.

"Homeroom dismiss!"

(Skip to festival)

"Good morning everyone! Its a good morning isnt it?" shout the teacher who become the mc for the festival.

"Hell yeah!" all the HC students shouted.

"First please welcome the staffs and students of class 1-A from UA high!"

All the students just clap their hand. No shouting or motivation or welcome aura.

"So first rule! No wearing masks so please take off all your masks students or you can't join the festival and will get a 0 for your school record!"

"Can't we keep our mask teacher?" ask Oliver worrying about Izuku.

"Yea you can't. Sorry but that is the rule that the principal set." the teacher give them a sympathy smile.

They just sigh and begun to take off their masks. Izuku and Shoto are the last one to take their mask off.

"Izuku! Shoto!" shout All Might,Floater and Endeavor.

Izuki,Katsuki and Katzuki stand up but with a shocked face knowing that her brother and their friend is alive and really strong.

"SHUT THE HELL UP! WE DON'T KNOW YOU PERSONALLY!" said Izuku while Shoto look at his father with a cold stare.

"Countinue the festival." said Shoto with a straight face to the teacher.

"Okay second rule is that you must follow all the rules for each game."

"The third one is no killing maybe just some injuries that can be heal."

"The fourth one is the last one and that is PLEASE HAVE FUN AND ENJOY THE DAY!"

"WOOOHOOOO" shouted all the students present.

"Before we start let's have some speech from the strongest student from our school!"

"Vixen!Vixen!Vixen!" chanted the students.

Izuku and the Elements walk up the stage. He walk towards the mic while the others stand behind him in a straight line.

"Let the questions about me and firefrost out after the sports festival. I just want to say 1 thing. Please take care of yourself and enjoy yourself!" said Izuku.

"YEAHHHH!!!!" the students shouted.

"I guess thats all from our number 1. Its a good speech! Thank you for the speech Vixen!" said the teacher.

"You're welcome Mrs.Wood!"

"Let's start the show should we?" said the teacher smirking a bit.

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