Chap 40

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After crying for some good minutes he wash his face up. He then make his way to Izuku's room again.

He was shock when he open the door.

"What kind of person use a toilet for 40 minutes Sho?"

Third POV

Shoto's red eyes look at the person who is talking with wide eyes,in shock.

-After 10 minutes of standing in shock-

"Ouh...I am hallucinating again. I should stop this before I go crazy and obsess for Izuku."

He then close his eyes.

"Breath in breath out... In and out. You are hallucinating Shoto. Stop the hallucination and countinue to hope for Izuku to wake up from his coma. 'Don't let your emotions control you' is Izuku's quotes to every single time all of us panic or sad." Shoto said to himself.

Then he open his eyes only to make contact with Izuku.

"Huh? I-i am not h-hallucinating? It-Its really you Izuku? Y-you are a-awake?" Shoto said with tears building up in his eyes.

"Its real Sho. I woke up right after when you said that you going to toilet." Izuku said.

Shoto stayed silent out of shock and doesn't know what to say.

"Its not a dream or hallucinating Sho. I woke up right after you close the door to go to the toilet." Izuku said.

"B-but how?" Shoto stutter.

"How do I know you are going to toilet? Remember the doctor said that I am in coma but I still can hear your voices. Your stories and how your day is. Heck I even remember the little speech you and dad said the first time you see me."

"Izuku!" Shoto cried while covering his face trying to suppress his smile.

"Come on Sho smile! I haven't see you in 6 months yet you covering your handsome face right now." pout Izuku.

Shoto take his hands off his face.

"There my beautiful soulmate handsome face!" Izuku cheered.

"Let me call father and the Elements to announce your awaken." Shoto said sniffling a bit.

"Yeah sure." Izuku answered.

"Press the button beside your bed please Izu,its for your check up. Its better to do now than later because I know that they won't leave you alone for a while." Shoto said and make his way to the door to call Hisashi and the gang.

"Fineee" sigh Izuku.

~phone call~

H(hisashi) S(shoto)


S: "Hello father"

H: "Hello Shoto."

S: "What are you doing right now?"

H: "Nothing important. Just doing this and that. Why?"

S: "I want to tell you something really really important."

H: "What is it Shoto?"

S: "Well..."

H: "Well?"

S: "Just take a deep breath,like really deep."

H: "Uhm why? You are scaring me now." Hisashi said feeling scared.

S: "Are you ready?"

H: "Y-yeah."

S: "Izuku woke up."

H: "....."

H: "Ouh..."

S: "That's the news."

H: "HUH?!?!?!"

S: "Your reaction is too slow father. =_=

H: "S-sorry Shoto."

S: "Nevermind"

H: "Are you sure that he is awake? I think it is just your illusion because you are missing your soulmate so much."

S: "It's not an illusion father. He talked. He freaking talked to me. I am sure he is awake from his short coma."

H: "....I'm coming right now! Wait for me."

Hisashi hangs up.

"I guess its time to call the Elements then. I hope they will not take time to brain the news. I wanna go cuddle with Izu." Shoto pout.

-group call with the Elements-

A(alex) O(oliver) Axe(axel) Soph(sophia)  Sa(sarah) T(tokoyami) S(shoto)

S: "Hey guys..."

A: "Hey Shoto why did you call us?"

Soph: "Yeah you rarely call us after the incident (the fight)."

S: "I'm calling because I got a good news and a bad news. Which one do you guys wanna hear first?"

Axe: "I think it is more safer if we choose the good one first."

Sa: "Yea i agree with axel."

T: "Me too."

O: "Well...what is it Shoto?"

S: "The good news is Izuku is awake."

All except Shoto: "....HUH?!?!"

S: "I knew that gonna be your reactions. ^_^"

I'm publishing this chapter before going to school...Pray for me hoping that the teachers gonna give only little homeworks.

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