Chap 41

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Axe: "I think it is more safer if we choose the good one first."

Sa: "Yea i agree with axel."

T: "Me too."

O: "Well...what is it Shoto?"

S: "The good news is Izuku is awake."

All except Shoto: "....HUH?!?!"

S: "I knew that gonna be your reactions. ^_^"

Third POV

Everyone: "Are sure you are not hallucinating? Right?"

S: "Am not"

Everyone: "Are you sureee?"

S: "Yes..."

Everyone: "100% sure????"

S: "Yes I am now shut the fuck up."

T: "Shoto swearing means that you guys fucked up."

S: "Thank you for the translation Kage."

T: "No problem man."

A: "And what is the bad news?"

S: "Yea about that its really bad for my point of view of course."

Soph: "What is the news?"

S: "I'm missing Izuku right now so care to hang up?"

O: "What the heck? I thought you are the first person know that Izuku woke up? So thats mean you met him right?"

S: "Shut up! So are you guys coming or nah?"

Everyone: "We are coming!!"

S: "Kage keep them tame please."

T: "Roger cap...even tho I won't promise it because they basically are animals at this stage."

S: "Then if you can keep your eyes on Oliver and Sarah the whole time."

T: "Roger."

Oliver: "They know we still in the video call right?"

S: "Yea we are aware just ignoring your sorry ass."

O: "Hey my ass is thickkk."

S: "All I know is Izuku's have the most thick ass I ever seen in my life."

O: "Mine is thicker!"

S: "Nope my soulmate ones is 10 times thicker than yours."

O: "No mine is,right Alex?"

A: "Please don't drag me in your ass 'competition'."

Sa: "I think we should hang up and get ready to meet Izuku before the visit time finish."

Axe: "Yea I think so too."

Soph: "Me too."

A: "Let's hang up then. Bye"

S: "Bye see you guys at the hospital"

All: "Bye Shoto!!!"

S: "Bye stupids friends."

All: "You love us though!"

S: "Yeah Yeah whatever."

O: "You tsundere!"

S: "Byeeeee."

Shoto hangs up on the phone and make his way to Izuku's room to get some cuddle.

When he open the door, he saw that Izuku giving him a 'help me' look.


If you are wondering it is because 3 doctors plus several nurse are checking his body whether it is healthy or not. The don't the Hisashi Midoriya to burn them alive because his son is not healthy while staying at their hospital.

Shoto just give a 'sorry but I can't help you,my love' look to Izuku as an answer.

Izuku just look down and pout.

After some minutes,the doctors finally done checking him up. One of the doctors about to report to Shoto about Izuku condition when the door open harshly revealing a panting and out of breath Hisashi Midoriya in tux.


"How about you take a sit first and drink some water before you too will be on hospital bed." Izuku said to a tired Hisashi

"It's really you?! Shoto didn't lie to me?!" Hisashi shouted.

"When did I even lied to you? And you know that I am here right?" Shoto said in monotone.

"You lied to me once."

"When?" Shoto asked back.

"When I was asking you,where is Izuku."

"Ouh that time I was forced too."


Hisashi walk into Shoto's room.

"Shoto where is Izuku?"

"How could I know? Maybe he is in his room or with the squad?"

"Ouh okay then...tell him to meet me after."


But Izuku actually is under the blanket that is covering the lower body part of Shoto. You wouldnt want to know what he is doing under there.(i wont write smut so dream it yourself perverts readers;))

-flashback ends-

"Ouh so you do know that he is under the blanket?"

"Yea who wouldnt when it kept moving around."

"Both of you know that I am here and alive right?"

But still the guys that is having conversation ignore Izuku. Izuku gave up on trying and make himself comfortable on the hospital bed even though the bed is shitty as hell.

"Goodnight!" Izuku shout and get no reply from both of the guy. He then fall asleep the moment he closed his eyes.

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