Mornings Suck

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"Chrissy, wake up. You have school." Josie, Christine's mom, yells. Christine groaned, and rolled onto her stomach, her face squished into the soft pillow under her. She let out a long and hard sigh, and decided to try to go back to sleep for a few more minutes. Plus it's not like Sky high wouldn't be there when she woke up. But then she made the mistake of rolling onto her back, and fell off the side of her bed. Her reflexes kicked in and she quickly bent a stream of air between her and the floor. But then her twin brother ran into her room, and she lost focus. Which resulted in Christine's forehead making contact with the floor, groaning loudly, she slowly turned and sent a deadly glare to her brother. He slowly backed up, and forgot the question and reason he entered his sister's room in the first place.

"Get out of my room Will!" Christine screamed, using her powers and airbending to throw a pillow at her brother, who shut the door at the perfect time. The pillow whacked the now closed door, before colliding with the floor. Will scared returned back to his own room trying to lift weights, as if it would help his Powers magically appear. Christine hid her powers at first, but when a bunch of bullies picked on Will, she used her power secretly, to loosen one kids belt, causing his pants to fall and bright pink clown underwear to be shown to the world. Will caught on quickly that it was his sister, and he was crushed. His best friend, Layla , got her powers around the same time Christine did, which is why the latter stayed silent, not even telling her mother and father about her discovery. But then after that day the Stronghold family all knew, and she began her training. She didn't train intensely, but she did train just enough to know all of her powers. Christine rubbed her forehead and then her eyes, trying to rub the sleep from her body and the pain from her head. Grumbling and mumbling incoherent words under her breath, Christine stood up and walked to the bathroom that was connected with her room. She tugged on her brown locks, pulling it out of the previous messy bun, and brushed her fingers through the knotted hair. When she turned the shower on, she turned it to hot and took an actual brush through her hair, flinching at every harsh pull. Once her hair had less tangles, as she entered the shower, she allowed herself to relax at the touch of the hot water.

After Christine washed her body and hair she finished the shower, and loosely braided her hair. She took a deep breath and began her daily routine, which consisted of washing her face, brushing her teeth, and getting dressed. Sometimes Christine would put on some makeup, but she didn't prefer to cake her face with a lot. So she quickly washed her face, going through the different steps of cleanser and this and that. Once she was finished with that Christine lightly applied highlighter and mascara, grabbing her orange flavored chapstick on the way out of the bathroom. Christine shivered as the cold air hit her bare legs and shoulders, making her automatically regret not getting dressed in the bathroom.

Christine picked out black leggings, a black cropped tank top, and grey long cardigan. Quickly she finished off her outfit with three different length necklaces, and a rose gold bracelet with a bee connected. Will got it for her, when they were 5, because Christine had always loved bees, and how innocent they were. She shared the love for bugs with Layla, Will and Christine's best friend. Christine quickly grabbed her black messenger bag and left her room, being sure to close the door behind her. She walked over to the top of the stairs, but she noticed Will's open door, and couldn't help the curiosity growing inside of her when she looked in and saw him struggling to lift the single weight on the bench press, their father had gotten him for his birthday. She sighed, a frown taking over her face. Christine sympathized for her powerless brother, he wanted more than anything to make their dad proud and get a power of super strength, but everyday he got more and more discouraged. His sister and bestfriend constantly told him he was just a late bloomer, that his powers would come, he just needed to be patient, but it didn't help his nerves. Christine got out of sight, but still began smiling sadly, because she knew if Will saw her, he would think she was taking pity on him. So once she descended down the stairs, she went straight towards the kitchen where her parents were speaking business. They both smiled at their daughter but didn't say anything, and kept talking again about winning a Hawaii trip they wanted to win with their real estate businesses. But while they were talking Christine placed an earbud into her ears and zoned out. When Josie placed a plate and a cup of coffee in front of her daughter, Christine smiled up at her and mouthed a 'thank you', which was returned with a nod and a sweet motherly smile. Christine hummed along to the Billy Joel song, Zanzibar. Once the song ended she realized that her father left the kitchen and her mother was putting together another plate.

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