Power Placement

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"All right, listen up. My name is Coach Boomer. You may know me as "Sonic Boom. "You may not. Here's how Power Placement is gonna work. You will step up here and show me your power. And, yes, you will do so in front of the entire class. I will then determine where you will be assigned. Hero or sidekick. Now, every year there are a few students or, as I like to call them, "whiner babies," who see fit to question and to complain about their placement. So let's get one thing straight. My word is law. My judgment is final, so there will be no whiner babies. Are we clear? I said, are we... clear?!" Coach Boomer's voice literally Boomed through the gym, automatically ringing through Christine's sensitive ears and blew everyone's hairs up, and hats off.

Since everyone was already terrified of him they all shouted back "Yes, Coach Boomer." The gym teacher blew his whistle and began to test the students. "Go time." He said, smirking like today he could ruin some kids' day and it would make him better. A ladder on the side of the platform came out, for the students to climb up. The first up was a curly haired boy with glasses and a sweater vest.

"You. What's your name?" Coach Boomer asked, making the boy visibly nervous.

"Larry." He choked out, stuttering slightly.

"Little Larry," Coach Boomer mocked, "Get up here." Larry made eye contact with the boy next to him scared, as if he could get him out of the situation, but he still went up.

"What's humiliating him going to prove? This is so unfair." Layla said to Will and Christine.

"If life were to suddenly get fair, I doubt it would happen in high school. Plus, don't judge him just yet, he may be super strong for all we know." Christine said, trying to hope for the best with the boy. As much as she would love to see some kid do something stupid, like trip or make a funny joke about Coach Boomers shorts, this was serious. Larry put his glasses in his pocket, and after grunting a small bit he was suddenly made of rock and a good four feet taller. He growled, flexing before Coach Boomer tested him.

"Car." The Coach boomed, before clicking a button on a remote he had in his hand. Larry caught it and Coach Boomer amusedly said, "Big Larry. Hero!" Christine smiled, in amazement, the most people she met with powers who showed them were her parents. She hadn't even seen Zach Attack's yet.

"So he's good. But I'm better." Zach said, placing a hand on Wills shoulder before walking up to the stage. Christine bit her tongue, knowing whatever happened next, it wouldn't be good.

"Did I say you were next?" Coach asked.

"Name's Zach, Coach Boomer. Try not to drop your clipboard." Zach said, making a wave of both anxiety and second hand embarrassment wash over Christine. Zach took a deep breath and swung his arms, before clapping. But nothing happened, so he just stood holding his arms out.

"Any day now, superstar." Coach Boomer impatiently said.

"I'm doing it." Zach said, bobbing his head lightly.

"Doing what?" Coach asked.

"I'm glowing." Zach said sassily, like it was obvious.

"I don't think so." Coach Boomer sighed, circling Zach.

"Well, it's easier to see in a dark room.Turn off these lights, cup your hands around your eyes and look real close..." Zach explained, using his hands to talk, making Christine want to flick hima nd tell him to stop.

"Sidekick!" Coach Boomer interrupted, his tone hard and fierce.

"Are you sure you don't want to just..." Zach pushed, but Coach Boomer cut him off.

"Sidekick!" Coach boomed once again, the sound waves from his power, flying Zach off the stage. Next up was the boy with the glasses from before. He had dark skin, and was wearing a bright orange jacket with plaid pants. Christine thought it was a bold outfit but the boy slightly made it look better, it fit a nerdy style but it still looked better to her then a pink blazer and skirt. Christine really didn't like pink.

"You! Front and center!" Coach Boomer ordered.

"Let me start off by saying what an honor it is to..." The boy began, before Coach Boomer cut him off.

"Is that your power? Butt-kissery?" Coach Boomer Mocked.

"Very funny, sir. I've heard you had a wicked sense of..." The boy began again, still trying to get on the Coach's good side.

"Shut up and power up,"Coach ordered.

"Right away, sir." The boy said, both scared and worried. He powered up and melted into a mostly orange sludge kind of liquid on the ground. Chrisitne was intrigued, it could be a very useful power.

"Say, that's pretty impressive..." Coach Boomer hesitated, before completely twisting his, what sounded like, complement.

"...for a Popsicle! Sidekick!" Followed by him was a boy with six arms who got a hero, a girl who could turn into a ball who literally was side-kicked, and a boy with super acid spit who impressed Coach Boomer a lot. After them was a shapeshifter who turned into Coach Boomer, got the label Hero, and a slap on the Butt, earning a hard cringer from Will and his sister.

"Purple kid. Let's go." Boomer said. The same magenta haired girl from before awkwardly began walking up.

"What's your shtick?" Boomer asked, sassily.

"I'm a shape-shifter." The girl shrugged.

"OK. Shift it." Boomer said, before the girl shifted and shrunk down into a small animal with a purple streak. "A guinea pig?" Boomer asked.

"Yep."She squeaked.

"Not even a swarm of guinea pigs?" Boomer asked, not sounding impressed.

"Uh, no." The girl squeaked again.

"Sidekick. Shoo!" Boomer mocked, using his fingers to chirp at her smaller form.

"Bite me." The girl squeaked once more before crawling off stage. Christine smirked, knowing they would get along well. Chrisitne popped her hip, standing a little bit away from everyone, while fiddling with her bee bracelet.

"You, bee kid." Boomer said, pointing at her. Christine's eyes widened purely out of anxiety reasons as she shyly nodded. She heard her brother and two other friends snicker at her shy actions, knowing about the girl's social awkwardness. She rolled her eyes and got on the stage.

"Name?" Boomer asked, pushing his head forward with sass.

"Christine Stronghold." She said, trying not to be too loud about it. Boomer smirked like a child about to see his favorite show.

"Power up, Stronghold." Boomer said, expecting to see the girl be strong or fly like her parents. But instead Selene's eyes flashed grey, and she levitated due to airbending, while she bent a ring of earth, water, fire, and air around her. Boomer's eyes widened, and his smile grew. Her now curly hair flew out of the braid and levitated with her.

"Hero!" He boomed, giggling like a schoolgirl. Zach, Layla, and Will, along with the rest of the class had their eyes practically going out of their heads, and their jaws on the floor. Chrisitne powered down, her hair falling to her shoulders. Christine's powers could all be activated on their own with her eyes glowing, but all at once caused her eyes to go grey. Once she got down, she stood next to her friends who just stared at her in amazement. Christine got anxious under the stairs, and played with a little stream of water she got from the air.

"You. Flower child. Let's go."Boomer demanded motionening to Layla.

"Uh, I believe in only using my powers when the situation demands it."

"Well, you're in luck. This is the situation, and I'm demanding it.

"But to participate in this test would be to support a flawed system. The whole hero-sidekick dichotomy only serves to..." Layla began to explain, but Coach Boomer cut her off.

"Let me get this straight. Are you refusing to show your powers?" He asked,

" It's more complicated." Layla tried to explain.

"Sidekick! We'll pick it up right after lunch, starting with you." Coach boomed, pointing straight towards Will. Christine could practically see the panic taking over his every move.

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