Flying Busses Are Scary

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A bus appeared in front of them, and Will pushed in front of Christine and addressed the bus driver.

"Is this the bus to Sky High?" Will asked. The bus driver shushed him and pulled the three teens onto the bus, and shut the door. "Shh! What are you, crazy?Do you want every supervillain in the neighborhood to know we're here?" The bus driver hissed, almost panicked sounding. Christine and Layla were taken aback while Will was trying to stutter a response.

"N-No, No, Sorry." He said scared and embarrassed.

"He didn't mean to, we are new here." Christine spoke up, pulling at the strings on her sweater, a nervous habit due to her anxiety.

"Clearly, what are your names freshman?" The bus driver inspected, looking all three up and down.

"Um, My name is Will stronghold,this is my sister Christine, and my best friend Layla Williams." Will introduced, while the two girls waved.

"The son and daughter of the Commander and Jetstream?" The bus driver asked, mind blown and shocked. Christine and Will nodded shyly.

"Everyone! It's Will and Christine Stronghold! Children of the Commander and Jetstream! I'm Ron Wilson, Sky High bus driver. If I can make your journey more comfortable, let me know. You two! Up!" The bus driver, Ron Wilson, introduced. Christine slipped away then, hiding her face as she walked through the path of students, up to her and her brother's other friend Zach.

"Hey Zach Attack!" She greeted, plopping down right next to him, close to the back.

"Hey Chris!" He said back smiling. He was wearing a bright highlighter green shirt with white shorts, and a white visor holding his platinum blonde hair in place.It was almost like all of her friends had a signature color. Christine always noted how for her brother, Will it was blue or red, and Layla, green, Zach, neon green/yellow and white. As for her, she casually dressed in black or purple, or any color she felt like. While she was thinking, Layla and Will sat down across them, and exchanged greetings with Zach.

"So Chris, how was your summer?" Zach asked, looking out the window of the now moving bus.

"Meh, boring, developed some fun tricks with my powers through. What about you?" Christine said, being taken from her thoughts and brought to the reality of how she was just staring at the back of the seats in front of her.

"To be honest, it was tough, man. T- U-P-H. I was seriously sweatin' it. My dad going, "Zach, I powered up before I started shaving. " And here's me, dude, halfway through August and zip." Zach said, earning a giggle from Christine at the spelling error. But she was quick to curiously ask him, "Oh, so you... You don't have your powers." She thought it would be kinda nice if her brother wasn't the only stunted student, if just maybe another student hadn't gotten there yet. But Zach's laughter sent guilt and more anxiousness to her stomach.

"You think I'd even show up today if that happened?No. No, no. Woke up a few days ago and... bam!" He said, clapping his hands, causing Christine to jump.

"So then what is it, Z?" Christine asked, playing with her bracelet, catapulting forward into the seat when they stopped to pick up another student.

"You have to wait and see like everybody else. But it's awesome, man. It's awesome! Come on. It's not like you ever powered up in front of us." Zach said, booping her on the nose playfully.

"Hey, not fair man. Mine is dangerous, and I have used some of my airbending in front of you." Christine said laughing at her friend's antics, while Zach just sat back into his seat with his arms crossed. The bus jolted forward again, causing Christine to lunge forward, but Zachs was quick to put his arm in front of her so she collided with his arm rather than the back of the seat again.

"Sorry." Ron hollered from the front of the bus. Christine mouther a quick 'Thanks', which in return he winked, shooting finger guns at her. She rolled her eyes playfully, about to say something but Ron cut her off.

"That's everyone. Next stop, Sky High!" He announced. Ron Wilson then pulled a lever, switched hats and pulled a piece of cloth off of his work shirt, revealing a Sky High patch. He severed, making all of the kids confused, seeing as the bus ran over at least 4 traffic cones. He drove up a side road, confusing everyone. Layla and Christine were both very confused, and almost like they had telepathy they both asked, "Where are we?" Simultaneously the click of seat belts attaching themselves around every student on the bus.

"Hang on back there! We're goin' off-road." Ron said heroically. The name on the outside of the bus changed and Ron began pulling out more technology and dials.

"Here we go!" The bus driver announced, going faster, and getting even closer to the ending of the road.

"Yee-hoo!" Ron screamed, right before driving off of the road, and falling into the sky. Almost every single student on the bus had screams rippling and erupting through their throats. Christine eventually stopped, shutting her eyes. But then she felt like she was going up instead of down. Opening her eyes she realized, the bus practically grew wings, well wings made of bus parts, and blasters. The bus looped, and all Christine could repeat in her brain was 'I'm going to die, I am going to DIE!'. Constantly. Zach hugged Christine practically crying, and if Christine weren't terrified herself, she would laugh so hard at him. Ron scoffed, and continued to fly them to Sky High. Through the clouds, a floating school came into view. Once all of the students quieted, Ron made alittle first day speech, Christine was sure he had memorized by now.

"There she is, Sky High. Kept aloft by the latest in anti-gravitational propulsion. She is in constant motion as a precaution against those who otherwise might have nefarious plans. Her location is supplied only to a handful of highly qualified individuals, such as myself, Ron Wilson, Bus Driver." Ron said heroically. The bus began to descend, causing Christine to be hit with a wave of motion sickness, she just muttered to herself it wasn't that bad. Although flying smoothly, she hated when it felt like she was floating and going down. But when the bus made contact with the ground, she realized she spoke too soon. The bus rocked around, the students bouncing and swaying side to side, forward to back. Christine held onto Zachs hand for dear life, and ofcourse Zach thought nothing of it, neither did she. He was aware of her motion sickness, and that even if he flirted with her playfully, they saw each other only as best friends. But then Ron parked and it gave her a chance to relax in her seat, letting go of Zach. Ron apologized, and opened the doors, talking as the students walked out. Will got out of the seat first and offered Layla to go first, causing the latter to smile and blush lightly, but he didn't notice. Christine got out and did the same to Zach, playfully bowing. Before he pushed her ahead, glaring playfully.

"Word of advice. Don't miss the bus, 'cause the bus waits for no one. Except for you two, Will and Christine Stronghold. Ever running late, or running early, or you just want to talk..." Ron said, handing Will his business card. Christine smiled nervously, her social anxiety spiking lightly. If that got me nervous, today is gonna be so crappy, she thought to herself. While she was zoned out, her brother took the card and thanked the bus driver. 

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