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"We should hurry up and take him to the hospital"

He said before both of them took Grimian to the hospital as soon as possible.

They both waited in the halls of the hospital. Painted off white with  somewhat of a calming aura. The grey stripes which ran along the whole length of the hall now connected them to the room he was in. With them being at one end and Grimian's room being at the other. White light flickered through the well lit halls, kept unattended and forgotten to turn off. Contrasting to the lives that passed through numerous people's bodies everyday.

Right across these hall.

Right on every bed which lay there.

Everything in this building had seen the ultimate reality of life, death. Something which they eventually and ultimately grew accustomed to.

Opposite to the familes of the poeople who lay helpless on these beds. People who had hopes for their loved ones to grow healthy. To come back to them and live a happy life together. Turning a blind eye to the fact that if maybe not today, but someday, it is bound to happen.

Someday you are bound to depart.

"Ignorance is bliss" they say.

These people in these petty buildings and clinics are a living proof of that. Ignoring the ultimate truth and basking in the bliss of the moment while you have it. Enjoying it while you have it.

Cherishing while you have it.

The head doctor and the nurse came out from his room and walked across the halls, towards them.

"You're Mr. Grimian's wife and his friend right?"

They both nodded as they tightened the grip on each other's hands.

They doctor made a deep sigh.

"It's brain cancer. He's had it for a while now Ms. Y/n. He's been regularly visiting the hospital for therapies and decided not to tell you for some reason"

She gasped and put her hand on her mouth as she dropped down on the chair.

"Y/n! Get a hold of yourself"

"I'm sorry Ms. Y/n but we're trying our best. Hopefully if we continue with the therapies then he may have chances. Let's keep hope" the doctor said as he exited. Leaving the both of them alone in the dreary white and grey halls.

"How long has he been drinking for?"

"About four months now."

"He's had cancer for more than that. He started drinking after he was diagnosed. It was an escape for him"

Just then a nurse came running from round the halls and nervously looked around to make sure nobody saw her coming towards them.

She smiled weakly at them.

"Miss y/n. I'm the head nurse in-charge of Mr. Grimian's therapies. Ever since we've recommended him to start taking medications, we've told him that maybe it was time he told his family and loved ones about it but he said he had no family. Apart from you"

She furrowed her brows and her smile turned upside down, "I know this may not be very professional of me to get involved in his family's matters but I just wanted to tell you what he has told me. He said he has decided not to tell you before fate itself tells you is because you're a very sensitive person, as he told me"

"Wh-why didn't he tell me" she sobbed and put her head on his shoulder as tears streamed down her eyes.

He ruffled his hand through her hair and placed a gentle kiss on top of her head.

"It'll be fine Y/n. You know whenever I'm around you every problem in your life turns out to be fine. You know, like those high school days. Remember?" He chuckled as he placed another soft kiss on her forehead.

How typical of Gojo. To make everything about himself.

She smiled, closing her eyes, placing her forehead against his and feeling the warmth of his body as she hugged him.

"Promise, Satoru?"


𝗣𝗲𝗿𝗳𝗲𝗰𝘁 𝗟𝗲𝗻𝘀✦// GOJO S. Where stories live. Discover now