Back From the Dead

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This is a part two book. If you haven't read my first book it might be help full. 
Anyway, I hope you enjoy this story.

Hiccup's POV

It's been a couple months since Astrid died. After she did everyone was really depressed. I wouldn't talk to anyone. Cami and Heather weren't eating anything and Eret would just sit in his room all day long. Even Jack was really sad. He and Astrid had become really close in only one week. He would spend all his time in the hatchery with Astrid's dragons and Shadow. 

After some time we've all been getting back to normal. Cami is starting to talk to me again. I found out Valka is my mother. I decided to return back to Berk with my dad and the others. Jack Flynn and the girls came back as well.  At first, we didn't know what to do with Astrid's dragons. We eventually all agreed that Jack should take care of Stormfly and Valkyrie.

I'm sitting on a see stack looking out and thinking. Ever since Astrid died my dad wants me to be chief but I don't. I was petting Toothless when I hear a voice behind me. 

"How in the world did I know you were going to be here?" I turn around and see Astrid. I get up and run to her and hug her as tight as I can. I feel her bury her head in my chest. "I thought I was never going to be able to see you again." 

"What are you doing here I thought you died." I feel a tear run down my face. She wipes it away and smiles at me.

"I was given a second chance. I need to tell you something important." I look into her ocean blue eyes "Learn your own strength and powers. The people from your past can always come back to haunt you." I look at her confused. "I missed you." She gives me a small peak then disappears.

I hear something bang and someone is running upstairs "Hiccup! Wake up right now!!" Slotlout yells

"Snotlout? What's going on?" I sit up in bed. 

"You need to come quick." He runs back out. I put on my prosthetic and follow. I see the others standing around a dragon. I immediately recognize it. 

"Merida? What are you doing here?"

"I don't want trouble but..." she trails off. She jumps down and has something, No someone in her arms. "It's Astrid." I run forward and see that she no longer has the arrow wound but she is surrounded by black smoke. 

"What happened?" I take Astrid from her. I can feel Astrid shaking. 

"I...I don't know. I was with Firefly when I found her. I was flying when I heard a scream. She was in the middle of a forest. I didn't know where to go so I just came to the closest tribe. It just so happened to be Berk."  She says.

I tell Snolout and the twins to get Gothi and ask FIshelgs to send a letter to Invar and his kids. Me and the others including Merida run back to my house. When I get there I see my father standing in the doorway. 

"What the... Is that Astrid?" He asks as I lay her on my bed.

"Yeah. Merida brought her." He looks at the redhead with cold eyes.

"I think It's best if I just go" She turns around and starts to leave.

"Merida, you can stay for a couple days just to get some rest," I say without emotion.

"Thank you Hiccup." I nod and turn back to Astrid as Gothi starts work. Elsa and Rapunzel lead Merida away. I stay awake and watch Gothi. After a while, she leaves but I stay awake and sit next to the blonde for the rest of the night holding her hand.

"Hiccup." I look up and see a pair of ice-blue eyes and light brown eyes. "Go to sleep. You need rest." Cami says putting a hand over mine and sits next to me.

"No. I'm not leaving Astrid again," I say. 

"Dude. You're not doing yourself or Astrid any good. Go get some sleep." Jack says.

"I lost her multiple times and I'm not letting that happen again." 

Cami sighs. "Hiccup you're not going to win here. Go get some sleep or I will knock you out and drag you to a bed myself." I finally give in. "You can stay in my house if you want. My parents are home and can help you get settled. I have a feeling Astrid isn't going to be waking up anytime soon."

"What about you?" I stand up.

"I'll say with the twins. They have an extra bed for some reason. Me and Jack will stay with Astrid for now," 

"Thank you." I hug Cami and Jack pats me on the back as I leave. I place a note on the table for my parents not wanting to wake them up. I make my way to Cami's house. When I get there I see her mother. 

"Hello, Hiccup. Camicazi said you were going to be staying here." I walk up to her and give her a brief hug. Vikings may seem emotionless but when it comes to parents they treat everyone as their own child.

"Yeah. Astrid is at my house. Cami and Jack are with her."

"It's such a sad thing what happened. Now let's get you settled in." She leads me to Cami's room. "There are new sheets so don't feel weird about it." I greet Cami's father. I am able to fall asleep right away.

Next Morning

"Hiccup! Wake up! Hiccup Haddock wake up!" I open my eyes and see Flynn standing over me. 

"You know you don't have to scream in my ear to wake me up." I stand up and put in my prosthetic leg. "What's up?" I start putting on my armor.

"It's Astrid. She's been muttering in her sleep. I was hoping you could help is figure it out." I follow him back to my house and notice something weird.

"What happened to her?" I point at her. Astrid's hair honey blonde hair has gone white and she has two scratches on her face. One on her cheek and another across her eye. How did I not notice this before?

"I don't know. I just found her in the woods shaking like she was having a seizure or something. I didn't see anything else." Merida comes upstairs. "I brought her here as fast as possible. I'm sorry Hiccup. About everything." I look up at her. "I really didn't mean to kill her. I wasn't her biggest fan but I never wanted anything bad to happen to her." I can tell Merida meant it. 

"I understand that Merida but that doesn't change the fact that you did kill her. I don't know what's going on right now with Astrid. I just need some time."

"I get it Hiccup. I hope someday we can at least be friends against" Merida turns around and walks out of my house.

"So do I," I whisper.

It's been a couple days since Merida brought Astrid to Berk. I'm still so confused. Me and the others are taking shifts watching her. I was sleeping when I was awakened by a bloodcurdling scream. It sounds like someone is getting murdered. 

I get up and quickly run out of the house. I head to my house and see Fishlegs running towards me. 

"What's going on? Is that Astrid?"

"She just started screaming out of nowhere." 

I run-up to my room and see Astrid laying on my bed shaking and screaming. "Astrid? please wake up." I take her hand and she stops. I feel her tight grip. I look at her hopefully. Her eyes start to flutter open.

"Please don't let him take me." She's hysterical. I hug her tightly. She keeps crying into my chest. "Please Hiccup."

"Shh. Calm down. I'm here you're safe now." 

So that's the first chapter. I hope you liked it. 
If you have any ideas for this story please let me know.

Stay safe ❤️

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