Family Reunion

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I know I haven't published anything in a while but here you go, a new chapter.
I hope you enjoy it.

"But why Astrid? What good is a dead person to him?" Snotlout asks. Hiccup and the gang just came back to Berk and everyone's in the dining room talking about what happen. The Berkians are more concerned about Astrid while the other dragon riders are worried about Pitch and their powers. Hiccup....he's well....stuck in the middle of it again.

"Maybe it has to do with her powers." Fishlegs suggests

"That's a possibility. She has the same abilities as Pitch." Merida says looking up from some papers

"Look I know you guys are worried about Astrid so am I but we have some more pressing issues to cover like the fact that a crazy man and Hiccup's dead girlfriend are out to get us. Can we please get back to that?" Jack says loudly

"We can get back to that later. Astrid has a lot do with this as you just said. She's out to get you guys so...." Ruffnut trails off. Jack groan knowing hes not going to win this one. He glances over at Cami who's looking at something in her hand.

"Are you ok, Cami? You haven't said a word since we came back." Hiccup asks

"Yeah I'm fine it's just...I've been thinking." She turns to the red headed princess. "You said that Pitch never gave Astrid her powers right?"

"According to her he didn't." Cami looks back down at the piece of paper in her hand.

"What is that?" Hiccup asks. Cami hands it to the Snotlout as the twins and Fishlegs look over his shoulder "Do you guys remember when Astrid did that?"

"This is no time to go down memory lane," Jack comments.

"I remember but what does this have anything to do with what's going on now?" Fishlegs asks

"We like to keep track of the pranks the twins pull. Astrid was also the victim of many of the twins most dangerous pranks."

"Let's just say she could was the least likely to get killed." The twins smile at each other as the non-Berkians cringe. They start to wonder what 'pranks' the two of them did.

"Once Tuff and Ruff accidentally got us stuck in a cave full of Fire Worms. If we hadn't gotten out we probably would have been roasted alive. Here's the weird part Astrid was the only one who didn't seen effected by the heat."

"Astrid has burned herself plenty of times but the burns heal in a matter of hour and never leave a mark."

"Oh that's just perfect. The person trying to kill us not only can hide in shadows and attack us from any where she can also burn us to death without us seeing her."

"So you think Astrid is the missing power." Jack says ignoring Snotlout. "Am I the only one who thinks that's insane?"

No one had time to answer 'cause the chief walks into the arena. "Dad what are you doing here?" Hiccup asks getting up.

"I'm sorry about Astrid and I know you kids want to figure this out but you're going to have to put that on hold." He looks at the princess. "Your families want to see you."

So that's the chapter.
Any ideas let me know.

Stay safe:)

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