Finish Them

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Elsa's POV

Me and the gang head to the Great Hall for dinner. We get our food and head to where we always sit. I see Cami and the others sitting at our usual table. I look around and don't see Hiccup, Astrid, or Merida. I sit down with Jack, Flynn, and Punzie. The others look up and give us nods or small smiles. 

"Where's Hiccup and Astrid?"

"Don't know. We haven't seen Astrid or Hiccup since this afternoon." Cami says

"Same with Merida," Jack adds. We all look at each other

"They're probably with each other." Snotlout says.

I let it go and start to eat. A little while later Hiccup walks in. He looks around frantically. Once his eyes fall on us he comes over.

"Have any of you seen Stoick?" We shake our heads. "What about Astrid or Merida?"  we shake our heads again.

"What's going on?"

"It's just... something weird going on between them." The twins move aside to let him sit.

"You think? They are acting like friends. Knowing Astrid, this isn't like her." 

"It's not just that. Early today Merida was trying to tell me something but Astrid came out of nowhere and said she needed to talk to her. When I asked Merida what she needs to tell me she said it was nothing"

"Maybe it was," I say

"Maybe but I don't think so. Whatever she wanted to tell me it was clearly scaring her." Jack hands him a plate of food but Hiccup pushes it away. I put my hand on his arm to comfort him. Suddenly the doors are slammed open. Astrid comes in clearly upset. Her eyes land on Hiccup and she makes a beeline for him.

Hiccup's POV

"Have you seen Merida?" Astrid says trying to sound calm.

"No. What's going on?" I reach out but she backs away. 

"Has she said anything weird to you; anything about what happened while she was away?" What why would Astrid care about what happened to Merida after I made her leave?

"No she was about to mention something earlier but you intervened. I asked Merida about it later but she brushed off." Astrid calms down a little but still looks unsettled. "Why?"

"Nothing." Astrid starts to walk away but I grab her hand and make her face me. I look at her eyes but don't find any emotion. Her eyes are pale blue almost white. It's haunting.

"What's going on Astrid?"

"I said it was nothing. Now let me go Hiccup" She tries to get out of my grip.

"Something is going on. Since you woke up everything seems to be darker. It feels like something or someone is watching us." Flynn speaks up. It's true. There is something creepy going on. I can tell Astrid is getting angry and the light is dimming. 

"Leave it alone. It's none of your business!" I hold her tighter.

"Yes, it is! This is my home and you are on Holligan territory. As future chief, I'm not going to let anyone here get hurt so tell me what's going on!!" This is no longer the same girl I grew up with. This is someone totally different; she's dark and cold. 

"This is my home too! I'm part of this tribe! I am trying to do what's best and Merida isn't part of it! So before anyone gets hurt keep your ass out of my business." I usually know when to back down when fighting with Astrid but this time I need to keep fighting. I didn't exactly say the right things

"I don't know what happened. All I know is that you are somehow back from the dead and are a completely different person. Berk is no longer your home. You are on my territory so I'm not going to keep my ass out of this." Astrid continues trying to get out of my grip. In the corner of my eye, I see black mist start to circle her fist. "Give me an answer right now! What is going on? What is Merida so scared of? What did you do?!" She stops struggling and I know I made a mistake. Her eyes start to glow as I let go of her arm.

"I did nothing!! Everything I've done is to protect Berk and those I care about!"

"Really? 'cause it doesn't seem that way, Astrid!"

"You have no idea what happened to me!" I let go of her arm "I had it a lot harder than Merida even before we meet her. She's a princess her life was made no matter what but you will always care about her more!"

"That has nothing to do with what's going on!"

"Yes, it does! She is making you think I did something to her. In case you forgot Merida killed me. She's the reason this is going on!"

"But you keep it going! Just tell me what's going on!"

"You said it yourself Berk isn't my home anymore; this isn't my tribe. If I leave I don't need to answer your questions." With that, she walks away without a glance back.

"What did you just do?" Cami says walking behind me.

"I don't know." I walk away from them and watch Astrid and Merida exchange and few words then Astrid heads into the woods.

Astrid's POV

I walk out of the Great Hall. Hiccup's right I'm not who I was anymore but that doesn't mean I want to see any of my friends get hurt. I can feel someone staring at me but don't look back.

"Astrid where are you going?" Merida says as I pass her.

"Don't know. All I know is that I need to get away from here."

"Is Pitch threatening you again? I know you said not to tell anyone but I think it's time to say something. I about to go find Hiccup if you want to come"

"Fine tell him but I'm not part of this. Only tell him your story leave me out of this." I shake her off. I pull my hood over my head and head into the woods. I hear Merida following me but I'm able to quickly lose her. I enter a cave and see someone waiting for me. 

"So?" Pitch walks into the light.

"Merida's about to tell Hiccup." I take off my hood. "Finish them but leave the others alone."

"You have my word."

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