This is Over

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I know I haven't updated in a while, I've had a lot of school things going on.
Anyway enough about me.

Here's the next chapter.
Hope you enjoy it.

Unknown POV

I wake up in a dark room. I try to get up but feel a stabbing pain in my head and fall back to the ground. I crawl over to the wall and try to pull myself up but fail again. I slump down and curl into a ball.

"You're awake." I jerk my head up sending another wake of pain through my body. I shake as I try to get to my feet. I lean against the wall to support myself. "I wouldn't do that. You took quite the hit to the head." I clench my fists.

"Don't be afraid. I'm not going to hurt you."

"I'm not afraid of you."

"Maybe, but you're afraid of something." I take a step forwards and feel a throbbing pain in my ankle but I stand taller my anger and pride getting the best of me.

"You think huh."

"I know. That's one of my many skills knowing what each person is scared of. You're scared of always being stuck in the shadows. Watching as all your friends go off to live their lives but not you." 

I pause for a split second. A black hole sucks me down and I crash into the ground. I ignore the aches and frantically get up looking for something to use as a weapon or a way to escape.

"Why were you chosen to be like this? To be an outcast and forgotten."

"No. Stop playing games with me." I cry holding my head. I stumble around my head spinning and the pain growing. Pitch keeps talking and laughing.

"Your afraid of never going back, everyone you ever knew turning their back on you like you did them. You scared that Astrid will out do you; that she will take over and you will become nothing. Well, let me ease your mind they will never see you as anything but a traitor. She will make you be forgotten."

No... Stop... Don't listen to him!! Focus!! He's not right. I try to shut him out but it's not working. There's a part of me that knows he's right or at least wants to believe he's right. A ball of heat starts to surround me.

"You have worth and I can help you, as long as you give in. I know you."

"ENOUGH!!" From my hands shoots out flames. "I've had enough of your tricks and mind games. You can't control me anymore. Let me go!!"

That's the chapter.

I apologize that it's so short. I might be able to update sometime next week but I'm not sure.

Anyway have a wonderful day/night and stay safe :)

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