Falling slowly for you

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*The next day in the morning*

"Hey are ready to go?" I asked as i looked her at her tiny frame. She walked away from the hospital window one last time. She was smiling as she nodded while rubbing her tired eyes.

"I meant to ask you this since beginning...Why have you always been looking out that window?"

She grabbed my hand and pulled me to the window. She pointed toward the woods. Then i saw it. There was a black and white swan swimming side by side. They had their necks intertwined. They swam so peacefully and calmly. They were definitely lovers haha. They pulled apart and put their heads together forming a heart shape with their necks. Who knew that two things so different could be something so beautiful?

"That's what i have been looking at. That peace is all i want. Its funny to think that swans, once they make eye contact they will mate for life. Then us humans take that to our advantages. Not truly understanding the love we truly have for each other." She admitted.

"Wow...That's really amazing. But yeah...all us humans are fucked up."

"Well, not all humans are fucked up. Some are quite amazing like someone i know." She started to smile making her dimples more noticeable. She moved her head to face the floor. I placed my hand underneath her jaw.

"Yeah, i know someone amazing too. I just wish they knew."

We stood up and walked to the door. I opened it for her since her ankle is still swollen. She continued to walk out as she made her way to the elevator. I followed behind her. My eyes were following down her back to her skinny jeans. Damn, she had a nice ass.
I couldn't help it being the guy I am...haha.

We stepped inside the elevator and walked to the back. I reached out and pressed the button to the first floor. I needed to call Ricky so we could get a ride to my place since my car is kinda damaged. I turned my head to face Harley. She looked completely exhausted. I reach for my phone and text Ricky.

Chris: Hey Ricky...it's Chris. Can you pick me and Harley up at the hospital. We need a ride back to my place.

We reached the first floor. I escorted Harley to one of the chairs in the waiting room to relax while I check her out. I walk back over to her with the release papers and a clipboard. She is slowly dozing off by the second. I sit down and began to fill out the pages of paper work. Once I turn in the papers I return to sitting. I feel my phone buzz from my pocket. Ricky texted me back.

Ricky: Uh yeah sure. Ill be there in 5. See you soon.

I put my phone back in my pocket and lay back in the chair. I feel my shoulder become heavy. I look over to find Harley curled up in a ball with her head now on me. She has a smile on her face. She is so adorable. I try to snake my arm around her waist. She opens her eyes and looks at me.

"Busted..." She whispers. I laugh. My face probably has the dumbest look ever.

"What? Haha." I ask stupidly.

"I caught you trying to snuggle back. I don't mind. But next time, don't move so much." She laughed as she moved closer to my chest. I wrap my arm around her and place my head on top of hers. Time must have flown by because Ricky completely scared the shit out of me.

"Jesus Christ Ricky...don't scare me like that." I laughed.

"Sorry. Is that...oh shit dude. Is that the girl from the coffee shop?" Ricky questioned quite shocked.

Don't close your eyes on me (A Chris Motionless fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now