You said you wouldn't leave...

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Harley's p.o.v

Its been a month since i have started living with Chris and i couldn't be happier. We have been getting closer to each other since then. I mean...he is my hope. The reason im still here. I know that sounds cliche but its true...I felt like i could never find someone that i deserved because Zach told me i was worthless and that no one would ever want me. But that has all changed.

I finished brushing my teeth and fixing my hair. I walked from the bathroom in my Slipknot shirt and skull pj pants. I made the bed and walked out from his room. Chris was sitting on the couch with a blank stare.

"Chris...?" I asked.

He turns his face to me without changing the expression stained to it. I felt a cold shiver down my spine. He sighed as he motioned me to come to him. I followed through the dark space and met him at the couch. He wrapped his arm around me and placed his head on my shoulder. Being within his embrace i still felt cold.

"Harley...I have to tell you something. I don't want to tell you..but..."

"Chris tell me."

"Okay. Well late last night i got a call from our tour manager. He booked us some show nights along the coast..."

He paused and seemed to gather the words floating through his mind.

"We are um...Leaving tomorrow."

Truthfully i didn't know how to react. I mean i cant even express what i'm feeling. I felt a bulge in my throat and i tried to swallow the pain away. 

Pull yourself together Harley.. Just breathe. I looked up into Chris's eyes and saw that he was upset about this. I reached down and grabbed his hands and spoke.

"Chris.. It's okay! I think that's cool that he booked you guys!"

I pulled him into a hug for reassurance and to find the fact that i was upset.

"Harley there is something else I have to tell you..."

He pushed me back a bit and my eyes met his once again. The corners of his lips started to curl into a smile. I was a bit confused.. He just told me he would be leaving. He then dropped his seriousness.

"You can come with us... With me! Only...uh...if you wanted to."

He playfully put on some puppy eyes as he slowly lowered his head. Yet he still had his eyes on mine. I shook my head agreeing to go with him. Chris pulled me into a warm huge bear hug. He is such a goof. He left from the couch back to his room and I secretly followed.

He threw this huge suitcase on the bed.. You could hide a body in there! He began rummaging through his closet throwing whatever he wanted to wear right in the suitcase. I looked back and forth..from Chris to the suitcase back to Chris. I laughed.

"What's so funny?"

"Nothing.. Just laughing at your packing skills."

He looks at the mound of clothes piled into the suitcase, grabs the back of his neck and nervously laughs. Then struts over to the bed and begins folding and placing it neatly back into the suitcase. Once he finishes his packing, our giggles and smiles were interrupted by the growling noise coming our tummies.

"You hungry?" Chris asked almost hoping for an immediate yes.

"Of course! I could eat a horse." 

"Wow Harley, you're a poet and you didn't even know it. Now...shall we order pizza? " He laughs. More than he should of for the lame pun.

"No cockroaches okay?" 

He saddens his look playfully and hugs me again before he dials the number. About a conversation in a half later about pizza specials and deals he returns later pleased with his decision. I look up and i can't help but smile at him...he is so...perfect. I think this in my head.

"Pizza shall be done in 'bout 10 min or so. Best pizza around the area."

"So Mr. Pizza extraordinaire... what did you get?"

"Cheese." He says trying to hold a serious face. He gives up and laughs some more.

"You know Harley... having you around has really made a huge impact in my life. I've never met anyone like you before.. kindest heart and purest soul I've ever had the chance to be surrounded by. I consider myself lucky to be here for you."

I feel the heat in my cheeks fluster to my chest and all around. I walk to him and join him on the couch. He wraps his arm around me and kisses the top of my head. I snuggle into his arms and we lay comfortably on the couch. His phone rings, it was the pizza place calling to tell us that our order was ready. Chris gets up and throws on a jacket to leave.

"Hey, you wanna come along?"

"Um i think ill stay here and take a shower while you're gone. Go on a head." I smile.

"Alright. Towels are in the closet next to the bathroom. My shirts are in my closet if you'd like to wear one. Ill be back in about 10 minutes. Don't fall asleep on me okay?" He giggles. "I would like to watch a movie with you."

"Pizza and a movie... how romantic!" I laugh and Chris smiles, which in turn causes me to smile.

Chris walks over to the door, grabs his keys and heads out. I turn my attention to the coffee table where Chris had accidentally left his phone. I rush to the door and see the Chris had already left. I place his phone back on the table and begin to get back to taking my shower when his phone begins to vibrate.

*Missed phone call from Sabrina*

***Authors Note***

Hello! Sorry to be so late on writing this new chapter... I've been going through a lot through these last few months but i'm finally able to start back where i last left off..and i'm truly excited to get back to it! I never thought that this piece of mine would get these many reads or votes! Thank you all so very much...I greatly appreciate all the love.

~Hailey <3

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