Heading into oblivion

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        I never meant for this to happen. But what exactly happened? I find myself strangled by my mangled seat belt. My head is throbbing as I try to realize the situation I'm in. I look around only to find darkness. Was I dead? Why do I feel so cold? These questions I didn't want to answer...I felt numb to my core. "How long have I been out?" I think to myself slowly processing my situation.

"Where the hell am I and what the hell is going on?"

        I desperately try to find the buckle to the seat belt but it's is useless without a source of light. I'm slowly starting to miss it. The feeling of its warmth on my pale skin. I feel around trying to find my phone. I reach down to the floor board searching what seemed like a black abyss. Finally! I have found it. I turn on my phone to find seven missed calls but I'm only worried about getting out of here. Using my flashlight, I find the buckle to release my captive state.

Moving around I pry open my car door. I immediately stumble to the frozen asphalt.

Damn...what happened?

        I walk around to the front of my car to find blood...lots of it. I cringe at the sight of this which seemed fresh. Desperately I look for this thing I hit. My light then came upon a still figure lying on the frozen road. Panicked, I run over.

"Oh...my..." My lips tremble. I couldn't get my words out without feeling nauseous.

"Oh no...no...no..no..no!"

"What have I done? No..."

     A pool of blood encircled the person's torso. I put my hand on the body lying in front of me. I quickly jolted back because they were so cold. I lift them up towards my light to get a better look at the person I had hit.

It was a girl.

        She was freezing cold. Badly bruised and she had a deeply cut wound on her side. She was wearing a white and black hoodie (now torn and covered in blood) with black skinny jeans and black vans.

"Please don't be dead.." I'm thinking.

        I slowly move my ear to her chest to hear shallow heart beats. I study her body and she seemed to be breathing but it's not enough to keep her alive. I pick her up and try to figure out exactly where we are. The snow had turned to hail which was coming down harder now. It felt as if tiny bullets hitting were my face. Why doesit have to snow so fucking much in Pennsylvania?!

        Suddenly, I feel slight movement. I look down at her and gently move her hair to reveal her piercing blue eyes. She struggled to keep them open, she was getting weaker by the minute. I lower my head to hers and whisper to her...

"Don't close your eyes on me...please...don't leave me."

She looks up at me and forces out the words "Help me..." she then trails off into silence which concerned me.

        I start walking down the street we had been on. The more I walked the more seemed to come back as a familiar sight. I start to speed walk which quickly turned into a run. My face begins to burn with frostbite but I didn't care. I want to keep her safe. I need her to be safe. Thankfully I remember passing a Red Cross less than a mile away. The adrenalyn pumping within my veins carried me through the unforgiving weather.

"Finally...a hospital!

        I rush through the emergency doors to find over 35 people waiting to get looked at! Half of them didn't even look fucking sick. "HELP! SOMEONE?! THIS GIRL NEEDS A DOCTOR! THERE HAS BEEN AN ACCIDENT! HELP!!" I scream.

        Three concerned looking nurses rush over to me and carefully take the badly beaten body from my grip. They lay her on an available stretcher and rush her back to the ER. One of the nurses stays behind asking me if I'm okay and I nod. Once I gather myself, I give the lady at the front desk my information and sit down wondering if she will be alright. My thoughts begin to race. To clear my head I might as well check these voicemails... 

*dials number and enter pin*
"You have seven new messages."

1st: Hey Chris...umm it's Ricky. I'm calling to make sure you made it home safely...so when you get this give me a call back. Thanks dude.

2nd: Christopher, make sure you are here by 7 on Saturday to celebrate your sister's birthday! Sending love from your Dad and I.

3rd: (another from Ricky) Chris? It's 12:39 a.m. Still wondering if you're okay...that storm was heading your way when you had left. PLEASE call me back.

By the time I'm about the hear the 4th message the doctor calls my name.

"Christopher Cerulli? Is there uh..."

"Uh yeah, that's me...is she alright?" I cut him off.

"Well yes and no. She has three broken ribs and a fractured ankle. I'm surprised she survived from what you had told us...a car accident, correct? The wound on her side needed stitching. But we are glad to tell you that she will recover eventually with some therapy on her ankle and with lots of bed rest. If you hadn't of brought her here she would have died from blood loss or froze to death.

A grin comes across my face. I feel warm again.

"Thank you, seriously, this is the best news I have ever heard."

"Well Mr. Cerulli, she is awake if you would like to see her. She is very weak and may not be responsive so have patience."

I stand there paused. He had actually offered me to see her but should I? I'm the fucking asshole that hit her with my car! Ugh, what the hell...why not. I nod and I'm escorted to her room.

        She's still. Her eyes closed, probably sleeping. She looked so peaceful even though she had had a rough night. I walk to the side of her bed and pull one of the metal chairs there.


        I look at her making sure she hadn't woken up. She tossed a little then resorted back to stillness. My mind become busy once more. Who was this girl? Why did I hit her? Where did she come from? She looked so familiar but I couldn't put my mind to think about it. I sink deeper into the chair and with that my eyes grew heavier and heavier until again I was submerged into complete darkness.


Thank you for reading chapter one to my first story on Wattpad! XD I know this is pretty short..but there will be more coming soon!(Hopefully) Btw...this is a side project I'm working on...just to do something in my spare time....Thanks again

--Hailey XD

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