Chapter 20: kick us out?

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A/n: Hey besties just a fewww announcements. Okay so first of all sadly this story is coming to an end and this is the last chapter. BUTTTT I'm making another story which IS Noah x reader which I might do a chapter tonight heheheh I hope you all enjoyed this story cuz it was so fun to write AND THANK YOU FOR 2K READS AHHHH YOU GUYS ARE AMAZING THATS SO COOL. Okay back to the regular scheduled program byeeee

Y/n's pov

A week passes and it's all a blur of good and bad things. First of all Zach woke up three days ago. He's going to rehab I think? It's probably just a rumor but anyways he went home and he's banned from the camp but I can't help feeling a little bad for him.

Also this week has been filled with activities we did paintballing with the whole camp, we had campfires and made forts and went swimming A LOT. It's Saturday now, which means tomorrow I'm going home. I won't be seeing Olivia or Liam or Brandon or even the three girls for another year but at least I can see Chloe and Noah everyday. I can't wait to get back to Scarsdale and go to school with them and hang out in places other than a camp. It's gonna be so much fun.

"Alright campers as you all know, it's the last night of camp and this means we are going on our annual camping trip tonight where we sleep up on top of the mountains" Samantha says. All of the senior campers that are over 14 are gathered around the field listening to sam.

"Today we're gonna pack up and walk up the mountains at 4 Alright?" Sam says as everyone nods. "Great now go scram and get your breakfast." She says as we walk over to the dining hall.

As we're walking I feel someone pick me up and throw me over there shoulder. "HEY!" I scream. I hear Noah's laugh. "Noah put me dowwwwnnnn" I complain. "Nope not until you give me you secret stash of candy in you cabin." He says continuing to walk over to the dining hall with me slung over his shoulders. "NEVERRR" I scream. "Fine then your never coming off my shoulders" he says laughing. "ILL GIVE IT TO YOU IF WE SHARE" I compromise. "Okay" he says happily as he turns another direction which I can't see, because Noah's back is blocking my view.

"Where are we going?" I ask him. "To get your candy" Noah says. "Wait what about after breakfast I'm hungryyy" I say. My face is already turning red from being hung upside down for too long. "Just wait for two minutes y/n" Noah says. I feel him walk up the steps as he enters the door.

He finally puts me down. "My blood was rushing to my head oh my god" I say. He smiles at me. "I'll get your candy now" I say turning around. Noah grabs on to my hand and twirls me back around and smashes his lips into mine. I let go and say "I thought you wanted candy?". "No I just wanted to do that" he says smiling as he brushes a piece of hair from my face. I smile back at him and kiss the tip of his nose. "And I just wanted to that AND eat skittles" I say laughing.

Noah kisses me again, putting his hands on my cheeks. I wrap my arms around his neck and deepens the kiss. Suddenly the door bangs open and we jump apart from each other. "Oh sorry!" Chloe says as she runs out the door and slams it behind her. We both burst out laughing. Them Noah kisses my cheek and grabs my hand as we walk out the door.

*time skip brought to you by Wandavision*
(Happy wandavision eve! Eeeeeeeee)

A couple of hours pass and we've packed up most of our stuff. I just threw in my pajamas and some clothes for tomorrow in my backpack. We're just about to hike up the mountains but the worst part is we have to carry our bag and ur tents up as well. I'm sharing one with Chloe so she agreed to take the bags while I carried the tent.

We start trekking up the mountain with the rest of the group. Even though it's exhausting to walk up with a bag of tent stuff the view is breath taking. It's the same mountain we walked up the first day we got here.

Camp Echo Lake/ Noah Schnapp x readerWhere stories live. Discover now