🥺 Nathalie 🥺

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Thank you for reading please share my story with friends and favorite it! It means a lot. Enjoy. ⚠️ Warning includes rape ⚠️

I was in an unknown bed. I had no idea where in the world I was but I felt breathing on my neck then I felt pecks. Like kisses? "Mm," I stretched and opened my eyes to see Felix HARASSING me. "Get off of me!" I pushed him onto the floor. "Nasty boy!" I slapped the shit out of him. "Ow." He said rubbing his cheek. "What was that for!?" He said. "What do you mean??? You were kissing me!!" I yelled. "Shhhh," Felix said then continued. "You liked it last night." I blushed. "I-I what?" I covered my face. "I'll tell you what happened," Felix said.


Mari's pov.

"Marinette it's late and I know you're stressed. Do you want to come with me to my room again? It's alright if you don't want to...I'm completely fine with you sleeping in Felix's room too..." I'm not fine with her sleeping in Felix's room. What if he makes her fall in love with him or something? Then I would have no one. I love her and he could easily just steal her. "No! I'm stressed out because my cousin died of the virus today and all you care about is yourself! I'm not sleeping in there with you. You won't make me either!" I yelled at him. He frowned. "I wanted to make you feel better. I could care less about myself. I care about you okay?" He said. "Yeah, you care about me? Why didn't you say that a long time ago when it mattered? huh? Now I don't get no fucks if you care." I rolled my eyes. Adrien was hurt right now. "You're right and I'm sorry Mari. I always cared about you. I just couldn't tell you because you were always afraid to even talk to me." He said. "Excuses," I say and walk off.

He grabbed my hand. "Please Marinette. You don't have to stay in my room today. Or even if it makes you uncomfortable. I just want to tell you I am here for you to talk about it. When you're ready. I'm sure they were a good person. Just like you are. I don't want you to hate me...Okay?" He had tears. I saw Adrien cry before. It was the first time. I was upset tonight though and honestly, he was bothering me. This is rough for me and he kept reminding me about it. "Let go of my hand." I sighed and he let go. I ran away from him into my room and Felix.

"You look sad. Want to talk about it?" Felix looked at me. He was laying on his bed shirtless. I didn't find him attractive. He was rude too on top of that. I cried and slid down the door. "I am sad. You won't be no help if Adrien couldn't even help me." I put my head down. "So how do you feel about Adrien?' He asked and sat beside me. "I-I love him...but I can't, because I love someone else as well. It's difficult. I love both of them in their different ways. It's really hard." I still had my head down. I felt him rubbing my back. It was a little bit uncomfortable.

"Well, who is this other guy?" He looked at me. "It's chat noir. You know Paris's hero. He is a kind young man and is extremely hot too. Ugh." I blushed. His hand was getting a little too low. "Stop that" I whispered. Felix's hand slipped into my pink pants. His hand over my panties rubbing my pussy slowly. I turned red. "Getaway!" I tried to escape his grasp but he forced me to drink alcohol. He pulled my pants slowly down then my underwear. We were too young for this!! If I were to have sex at a young age though it wouldn't be with him!!! He licked my pussy and forced me to drink.

I can't get out. He's holding me too tight. I tried pulling on the bed sheets to get away but I couldn't. He took off all my clothes. No one was here to help me. I cried loudly. No one was awake most likely besides Adrien...I'm butt naked. I don't want him to see me like this. "Get off me!!!" I yelled. Felix ignored me. I cried. I'm going to have to ask for Adrien's help. Even though I will be embarrassed for the rest of my life. "ADRIEN!!!!" I screamed cried.

Adrien's pov.

I was playing my piano practicing with Plagg until I heard a scream. "I think it was Marinette!" Plagg said. "Oh no! Hopefully, she isn't in trouble." I run out of my room to Felix's where I heard ruffling bed sheets and Marinette calling my name once again. "I'm here!" I yelled and tried to open the door. It was locked. Now it's a good time to use my Chat noir strength and my old Karate lessons. I kicked down the door and I saw Felix on Mari. He was fingering her. I didn't expect that. I wanted to respect her so I looked away. "Get off of here!!" I punched him knocking him onto the floor.

Felix punched back and the both of us started to fight. I threw off my white jacket and threw it at Marinette. I wasn't looking at her still. "Cover yourself and get out! This may turn ugly!" We still fought. Mari put on the jacket and ran over between the fight. "STOP IT! You're going to get hurt, Adrien!" She cried. I stopped which made Felix stop too. She hugged me. "Thank you, Adrien" I held her tight. Felix still tried touching her so I needed to help out. I took her hand and walked out with her.

I knocked at Nathalie's bedroom. She opened the door. "Yes, Adrien?" She was wearing her face mask on her head and had pj's on. "Can Marinette sleep in your bed with you? I want her to be safe. Felix nearly raped her so I want you to ask my guard to get him off the property" He whispered to her. Her eyes widened then she nodded. She told the hard to get rid of Felix asap. So he did as told. "Thank you, Adrien. Mari said and walked into Nathalie's room. Adrien sighed.

Marinette's pov.

I changed into my PJs in her bathroom then came out. She was reading a book. She was really pretty. I wonder why I never noticed. "Thank you for letting me stay in here with you." I sat on the bed with the blanket on my legs. She looked at me and nodded. "I'm sorry. About what happened to you... It shouldn't happen again if the guard does his job." She said and looked down at her book. I looked over her shoulder. She was just reading a boring old book. "Goodnight." I lay down beside her and curled up. She looked down at me and pat my head. "Goodnight."

           /// END OF FLASHBACK ///

"So I don't remember anything because you forced me to drink alcohol!? Why are you even here if you were kicked out?! YOU NEARLY RAPED ME WHAT!?" I freaked out. "Shut up. I snuck back through the window. I only touched you to make you feel better." Felix said. "You said I liked your kisses but with the sound of the story it seems like I didn't." I crossed my arms. "Oh yeah, I made that up...Haha." He laughed. "Get out!" I pushed him out the window. It wasn't that high. I locked the window. I wonder where Nathalie is. She walked back in. "You're up. I'm glad to see you're okay." She was already fully dressed. I looked at her and blushed. "Yeah thank you."

She grabbed her clipboard from in her room and left. I sighed. I can't believe that all happened. I owe Adrien an apology. I was about to go but then Chat appeared. I opened the window for him. "Hi, Princess. I came by to see if you were alright." He smiled. "I am thank you!" I smiled too. "I wanted to tell you something. Remember when you asked who was the girl I liked?" He said. "Yes..?" I looked at him. "Well, it's you." I turned bright red. "H-huh?" Chat pulled me into a kiss. One I wasn't ready for. I pushed him. "Stop it. Chat I... can't."

Nights Kiss (MARICHAT)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon